Le Realisme, Le Naturalisme, et Le Romantisme
Les oeuvres litteraires et artistiques de la premiere moitie du XIX -eme siecle offrend un ensemble de points communs permettant de definir le courant culturel qu'on appelle le Romantisme.
Il se caracterise par l'importance accordee aux passions et par la volonte d'echapper, en l'exprimant, au "mal du siecle".
Illustres par la litterature et la peinture, les caracteres romantique s'incarnent dans un nouveau modele de heros. Les heros romantique est un etre qui a conscencience d'etre le trop tard dans un monde trop vieux: epris d'absolu et de liberte, il alle sentiment de ne pas etre maitre de son destin. Le monde positifiste laisse peu de place a l'enthousiasme et au reve.
Les grands themes lyriques: l'amour, la mort, la vie, l'enfance et la memoire, le sentiment du temps qui passe, la conscince d'une condition humaine ephemere et l'admiration pour la nature.
Les grands ecrivains romantiques sont:
· Hugo, Victor -- "Les Miserables"
· Stendhal (Henry Beyle) -- "Rouge et Noir"
· Balzac, Honore -- "La comedie humaine"
· Dumas, Alexandre -- "Les troi mousquetaires"
Le Realisme
Forme sur le mot "reel", le Realisme nait avant 1850 et se developpe apres cette date il se caracterise par la volonte de certains peintres et romanciers de represente la realite sans la modifier
Le Realisme puise ses themes dans l'observaton du monde contempotaine,social et historiqoe:il s'interesse aux chosses,aux gens et aux situations,qui n'etaient pas jusque-la consideres comme artistique.
La creation picturale et litteraire se tourne aussi vers ceux quivivent dans ces cadres mediocres: ouvriers, artisans, prostituees, marginaux, representes dans les aspects souvent les plus sordides de leur existence.
Les grandes ecrivains realistes sont:
· Flaubert, Gustave -- "Madame Bovary"
· Balzac, Honore -- " Le pere Goriot"
As the first poem in the book it sums up the primary focus of the works in its exploration of loss, grieving, and recovery. The questions posed about the nature of God become recurring themes in the following sections, especially One and Four. The symbolism includes the image of earthly possessions sprawled out like gangly dolls, a reference possibly meant to bring about a sense of nostalgia which this poem does quite well. The final lines cement the message that this is about loss and life, the idea that once something is lost, it can no longer belong to anyone anymore brings a sense...
Kleiner, Fred S. A History of Roman Art. Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2010. Print.
Throughout the lives of most people on the planet, there comes a time when there may be a loss of love, hope or remembrance in our lives. These troublesome times in our lives can be the hardest things we go through. Without love or hope, what is there to live for? Some see that the loss of hope and love means the end, these people being pessimistic, while others can see that even though they feel at a loss of love and hope that one day again they will feel love and have that sense of hope, these people are optimistic. These feelings that all of us had, have been around since the dawn of many. Throughout the centuries, the expression of these feelings has made their ways into literature, novels, plays, poems, and recently movies. The qualities of love, hope, and remembrance can be seen in Emily Bronte’s and Thomas Hardy’s poems of “Remembrance” “Darkling Thrush” and “Ah, Are you Digging on my Grave?”
3)Dionysius, Earnest Cary, and Edward Spelman. The Roman Antiquities. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard UP, 1937. Print.
Taking place during the period of the Age of Reason and the French revolution, Neo-classicism consisted of artists who valued the old Greek and Roman culture. Straying away from the former Rocco period, the artists of Neo-classicism thought of themselves as new Greeks and Romans. As they admired the simple forms of Greek and Roman antiquity, the Neo-classicists noticed the ancient golden age where order, justice and morality prevailed (Koster 78). Clean lines, perfect contours, virtue and heroism were reflected during the remarkable Neo-classicism period. While demonstrating that frothy art was unnecessary, Neo-classicist artists celebrated history and civic pride (Hodge 73). Because they copied the works of the Greek and Romans, the artists of this period profoundly believed in science, nature and logical thought, they painted scenes from history and mythology with the hero always at the center of the action (Raczka 9). One of the major artists of the Neo-Classicism period was Jacques- Louis David. As he believed in liberty, equality and fraternity David often looked back at the moral values of the Greek and Romans. During the time of the Neo-classicism period artists flouri...
Perhaps some people’s first impression on Mona Van Duyn’s “Letters from a Father” is that its topic a cliché; since poems about death are not rare at all. However, Van Duyn’s unique interpretations and attitude towards her writing style, which are apart from other poets, shall also be discovered if one dwells on her poem. In the poem “Letters from a father”, it mainly portrays the daily life of a father, a mother and those feeders (birds). Throughout the poem, it may seem that it emphasizes the process of characters’ acceptance of birds and understanding on their daughter. Nevertheless, if we look deeper into the change in tones, repetitions and words use developed in the poem, it is arguable that the parent’s changes in acceptance of birds are in fact implying a mental process of bestirring from illnesses, which is most readers do not see. This is believed as an important interpretation since it reveals the poet’s attitude towards death, which underlie beneath the literal meaning of the poem.
"Realism." The Thames & Hudson Dictionary Of Art and Artists. London: Thames & Hudson, 1994. Credo Reference. Web. 23 April 2014.
Partridge, Loren. The Art of Renaissance Rome 1400-1600. New York, NY: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1996.
Heichelheim, Fritz, Cedric A. Yeo, and Allen M. Ward. A History Of The Roman People. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1984.
...ues. The body of symbolism indicates Thomas’s changing view between the writer and his environment and outward look of the relationship with his own children. The use of surrealism provides a vivid image of his life’s despair. Though the poem can be analyze and evaluated from all of the different methods of criticism. The text within the verses indicates that the evaluation of the author is indicative to the psychological critical approach.
Honour, Hugh, and John Fleming. "Hellenistic and Roman Art." A World History of Art. London: Laurence King, 1999. 179-213. Print.
By analyzing the structure, the reader encounters the imagination and individuality prized by the Romantics. In addition, an examination of the literary devices presents the reader with the personal connection Romantic writers longed to have with nature. Lastly, the content of these pieces proved to be intertwined and demonstrated the desire to spread creativity and inspiration to others. As said by Michelle Williams “Everything’s connected, and everything has meaning if you look for it”
The purpose of this essay is to intricately elaborate on the culture of the Romans, along with its similarities and discrepancies, or uniqueness, in relation to Ancient Greek culture. This is achieved by providing background to both Roman and Greek culture, analyzing how Rome technically purloined Greek culture, describing how unique Roman culture is, and explaining its long lasting impact on today's society.
In conclusion, the sublime and the beautiful are major topics in romantic poems and novels. Different authors bring out the different ways they can be seen and interpreted. In the novel Frankenstein and the poem “I wandered lonely as a cloud”, the sublime and the beautiful are shown through the feelings and the mind of the main characters. In the poem “Mont Blanc,” the sublime is shown through the complexity of nature and how man will never truly be able to understand it. In order to have something beautiful there must be something sublime, and in order for they’re to be something sublime there must be something beautiful.
Gavin argues, “During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, empirical philosophy recognized a perilous disconnect between knowledge and the actual existence of things in the world” (Gavin 301-325). These ideas of knowledge, and those of the real world, were shaped by Descartes’ theory that reality is perceived by the individual and is not attached to previous ideas of reality. Unlike the novels before, realistic novels appealed to middle-class readers who wanted to read about ordinary people; they could see themselves as main characters in the story (Mario). With the influence of Descartes, novels and the genre of realism came together forming realistic novels. Realism is the attempt to depict all characteristics of human life with such attention to detail that the events seem as realistic as possible, as if readers could perhaps know the characters personally or even be them. Regarding Crusoe, he faces many realistic chall...