Le Corb

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Le Corbusier was a Swiss-French artist mostly known for his work in architecture, but also practiced some in painting, design, and writing. He was closely associated with the new “modern” architecture movement and was a leader in the new field of urban planning in the mid 20th century. The works he produced can be found in Europe, the United State, and India. His work was both widely praised and criticized throughout his life and after his death. In addition to producing many great works of architecture, Le Corbusier led a full and very interesting personal life.
The artist who would go on to be known as Le Corbusier was born in Switzerland, not far from the French border, as Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris on October 6, 1887. His father worked in the prosperous watch making industry in Switzerland while his mother worked as a musician and piano teacher. Le Corbusier’s family history and the area of Switzerland he called home growing up would greatly influence his work. His first influence came from his local art school where he studied under Charles L'Eplattenier who Le Corbusier would cite as one of the greatest influence of his work. Le Corbusier initially studied engraving and wanted to be a painter but L’Eplanttenier encouraged him to pursue architecture and design. Despite the influence and knowledge he gained in Switzerland, he would feel the need to travel throughout his life to gain a broader knowledge of architecture for his work. He would study in France, Italy, Germany, and Austria among many others becoming fluent in several languages. He would be influenced by the conditions of people living in poverty during his travels and gained his interest in urban planning.
In his mid twenties, Le Corbusier would ret...

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... a heart attack and drowned. After his death his work was both reviered and cristized throughout the world. Possibly the most vocal critic of his work was the famous painter and Le Corbusier rival Salvador Dali who, despite harsh criticisms of Le Corbusier’s work sent flowers upon his death and paid tribute to the influence he had.
Le Corbusier was an innovative and influential architect and urban planner. His works still impact the world today. While he worked in several different media, his architecture work and theories are most remembered today.
"Le Corbusier : Architect Biography." Le Corbusier. Famous Architects, n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2014. .
"Le Corbusier." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Jan. 2014. Web. 20 Jan. 2014. .

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