Labour Market Inflexibility in Europe

1318 Words3 Pages

Labour market inflexibility in Europe is the main reason why Europe is

not as dynamic an economy as the United States” Critically discuss.

“Labour market inflexibility in Europe is the main reason why Europe

is not as dynamic an economy as the United States”

In not more than 2500 words and not less than 1500, critically discuss

the above statement.


Today labour markets in Europe and the USA are often compared and

discussed. The general view seems to be that the US has a more dynamic

economy, people tend to believe Europeans are worse off than

Americans. The main reason given for Europe lagging behind the USA

economically is “Labour market inflexibility” other reasons why the

European Economy is not as dynamic, include labour rigidities, high

taxes, and too big an emphasis on the welfare system. This essay will

discuss why US labour markets are considered dynamic and superior, in

doing this unemployment, employment and wages.

A Historic Explanation

Historically the USA and Europe are very different. The USA is a

relatively modern country and Europe consists of many countries each

with its own individual past. Differences within Europe are a major

factor when critically discussing why Europe is behind the USA on an

Economic basis. The EU is a group of countries with very diverse

countries. Each has varied economic, and to an extent political

circumstances. Historically, the Second World War changed the

countries in Europe a great deal the effect on the USA was little in


European Labour Markets

Labour markets can be defined as the way employers and workers are

brought into contact with each other. This is how conditions of work

and wages are decided. Some may be ...

... middle of paper ...

...greements. For decades it has been common for

US employers to “lay off” workers for weeks or months during times of

slack product demand, and then bring them back” Douglas (2000).

On the other hand there are many countries in Europe that apply

policies that encourage companies to train workers. “Workplace

training increases job security in several ways. Employers are more

reluctant to lay off workers in whom they have heavily invested,

particularly during a temporary downturn.” Houseman (1994). Europeans

therefore tend to have more transferable skills but overall the United

States is still more dynamic an economy.


Evidence shows that the United States is a more dynamic Economy than

Europe. There are several contributing factors to why this is

histioric reasons, issues of welfare playing to great a role in

Europe, also the United States.

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