La Ley De Herodes

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La Ley de Herodes (1999) is a political satire of corruption in Mexico during the rule of Mexico’s PRI party. The film follows the events of Juan Vargas and his acclimation to the role of mayor. The story takes place in a fictitious town named San Pedro de los Saguaros. Juan Vargas is a janitor recently appointed mayor, after the last three mayors had been assassinated by the townspeople due to political corruption. In the beginning of the film Juan and his wife move to the town with good intentions and a readiness to promote the PRI values of modernity, peace and progress. However, due to the towns lack of funds, the language barrier between him and the citizens, and the opposition of both the local doctor and a brothel owner Juan is forced to go to his boss to seek help. During the visit, Juan is given a copy of the constitution of Mexico and a revolver and told to be the authority the town seems to lack. …show more content…

The film explores this in various aspects, the most prominent being Juan Vargas. Juan came from humble background and due to his simple beginnings got the position of power because the party felt like he’d be least likely to cause trouble. Nonetheless after being in the role for a short amount of time, Juan started to exploit the townspeople becoming the worst mayor to ever enter San Pedro. The film shows corruption and dishonesty in other ways, with the examples of the American who tried to swindle Juan for money after “fixing” his car. Juan’s wife, Gloria and her affair with the American man, who she ended up falling in love with. Even Lopez, the secretary for the president is corrupt and tried to shoot his rival for the positon of governor, which said rival happened to be the president’s nephew. Also, the fact that the position of governor went to the president’s nephew in a classic display of nepotism, is even a form of the corrupt actions of the

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