Knowledge Is Power In Fahrenheit 451

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How is knowledge power? How do we benefit from learning from different points of view? Knowledge is power because we can voice opinions and ideas that are based on facts and those facts are back up with proof from textbooks or any other source.If we didn’t have knowledge we’d never be able to know what the world was like.Then We’d never have proof that it was really one way or the other. However, the reason for providing proof is to make the statement said either true or false.Even though people might ban or burn or even delete something doesn’t mean it’s gone completely. It is still there in one form or another.Knowledge , or the ideas in written material, can’t be burned away or stolen once someone has absorbed …show more content…

He helped him see what the books could do if the people read them. He said that a Fireman's job was to burn books now. Beatty also said that the firemen help protect the people from the thoughts that could prove to be contradictive or may hurt someone’s feelings. Therefore, Books like Fahrenheit 451 help make the facts on book burnings and the bans of books in schools more realististic. So, reading books like Fahrenheit 451 make us see what our society would be like if book burning was seen as okay.Books would be illegal to own or have in our possession.They’d be illegal to have in schools, so that would mean no textbooks. Books that have been banned, those that aren't in schools, can still be accessed in many . Those ways include: The Internet, libraries,online bookstores. People can burn books, ban them, or even stop making them.But that won't stop us from getting certain ideas.That won’t stop us from thinking independant, or have individual ideas. Furthermore, even though people ban or burn a book, those ideas are still in other media forms.We can and will still access them.Remember, when you see something that is or can be considered as “Negative” or “racist” doesn’t mean that those are we see. We can try and focus on the positive.We can get those ideas from many media

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