Killer Clown Essay

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Killer Clowns In 2016, there were numerous arrests throughout the U.S. in response to the horrifying clowns who caused a frenzy as they terrified people by chasing them or confronting them in parking lots. However, killer clowns were not exclusive to the U.S., in fact, nightmarish clowns were being seen in countries all over the world: These countries included The United Kingdom, Switzerland, Ireland, Germany, Finland and Canada. From My Perspective Okay, if the truth be told, I had no problem with clowns. I mean, I grew up watching Bozo’s Circus. I loved Cooky the Clown even though he was always the butt of the joke; however, I did find Wizzo the Wizard quite creepy. He would grab his necklace and began chanting “doo-dee-doo-dee-doo-dee-doo.” …show more content…

Needless to say, the idea was trashed…Anyway, all of that happened before the ‘killer clowns’ started making appearances around the country. Although killer clown sightings have ceased, police are concerned that they may resume now that the fall season is upon us. Where the Killer Clown Craze Began In mid-August of 2016, a group of children in South Carolina spoke of clowns trying to lure them to an abandoned home in the woods by offering them money. At the time, police were unsure as to whether the sightings were genuine or just a figment of their imagination. However, the sightings of these creepy clowns intensified across the nation and around the globe. Are Killer Clowns About to Make a Comeback? The remake of Stephen King’s ‘IT’ has police in Pennsylvania concerned that there will be a resurgence of killer clown sightings: The movie tells the story of a demon who decides to take the shape of a clown. To raise awareness, the police issued a community alert bulletin stating that they do expect there to be killer clown sightings once …show more content…

March told the South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court that his prank was a Halloween joke. Last September, in Reading, Pennsylvania, after an individual wearing a clown mask appeared, a fight broke out. When all was said and done, a 16-year-old had been stabbed to death. Final Thoughts: These creepy clowns may seem funny to some; however, the victims themselves are definitely not laughing. Think about the times you have visited your local haunted house: Even though you enter the house fully aware that the experiences within are meant to frighten you, you still have moments of fear. Now, imagine that you are not choosing this experience and instead, it is sprung on you, such as in the instances of these killer clown sightings. One can only imagine that the fear would be intensified and the individual would do whatever is necessary to protect himself or herself. Therefore, if you decide to contribute to this killer clown craze, keep in mind that people who are truly afraid may cause you harm. Furthermore, just in case you are arrested, have some money saved so you can bail yourself

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