Justin Bieber's Effect On Social Media In The World

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One of the coolest people on the planet is Justin Bieber. Why? Simple: his catchy, fun music speaks to kids and teens, his presence on social media allows his fans to interact with him, and he clearly loves what he does. It’s not hard to see why teens and tweens have “Bieber Fever.” Dennis Ritchie is one of the most influential coders of all time and the creator of the C programming language. But just because nobody has ever had “Ritchie fever” doesn 't mean that coding isn’t as cool as being a pop star. Coders just don’t have the same PR team! So far coding has been the best-kept secret among the cool kids—but that’s rapidly changing as the world we live in continues to skyrocket into a digital future. Many people, including those not in the …show more content…

Self-assurance comes not by merely interacting with technology, as most people do on a daily basis, but by actually creating it. Learning how to code is a great way for kids to feel empowered because once they’ve solved a difficult programming problem and can see the results of their skills, singing in public is mere child’s play! Consider this business tycoon’s take on the importance of learning to code: “Teaching young people to code early on can help build skills and confidence and energize the classroom with learning-by-doing opportunities . . . you can learn skills at any age, but why wait when we can teach everyone to code now!” ~Richard Branson, Virgin Group founder Learn to Think Over the past several decades, educators have tried to boost critical thinking skills for students of all ages. Nowadays they realize that teaching kids how to code will give them a skill for life—and not just a modern vocation, but the broader skill of thinking about processes and outcomes in a given situation. “Programming allows you to think about thinking, and while debugging you learn learning.” ~Nicholas Negroponte, Founder of MIT’s Media

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