John F. Kennedy as My Role Model

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John F. Kennedy as My Role Model I can't really think of many role models I have. I am positive somewhere throughout my life I have looked up to people. I guess John F. Kennedy is a good one to write about. I can't go wrong with him. Out of all the things he said that were very important and meaningful to me one stands out in particular. "Only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly." This quotation is so very true if you take a second to think about it. I can't think of any times that I have achieved greatly without failing at first. In fact, I can't think of anything I would consider a great achievement that I didn't fail at first. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born at 83 Beale Street in Boston, Massachusetts on May 29, 1917. John Kennedy was second of nine children born to a wealthy Irish family headed by Joseph Kennedy. He was born with a spinal injury and an adrenal deficiency that would haunt him thought his life. The young John Kennedy was suspected to have a near genius I.Q and have the ability to read an astounding 1200 words a minute. Kennedy attended private schools throughout his life. Politics was no stranger to Joseph Kennedy who held positions such as Chairman of the SEC and the Federal Maritime Commision. The wealth of the Kennedy family had been initially amassed by Joseph Kennedy who generated the majority of it with his own entrepreneurial spirit. Much of the Kennedy fortune was made in the Stock Market. The ways in which Joseph Kennedy made his fortune in the stock market he later outlawed himself. Before inevitably becoming the president of the United States John F. Kennedy held many other prominent political offices. Kennedy's first political success was being elected to the office of Cong... ... middle of paper ... ...e death of President Kennedy a committee from the House of Representatives took another look at the evidence. They came to the conclusion that it was more likely than not that there were 2 shooters who fired between 3 and 6 shots. According to one source there is a 50% chance that there was a second shooter. Many conspiracy theories circulate incriminating everyone from Lyndon Johnson to Kennedy's own wife. Many documents about the Kennedy assassination are still classified to this day. It won't be until 2017 that the real truth may be revealed. Our country suffered a great loss that day in Texas. It is estimated that over a million people lined the way of the funeral procession at Arlington Cemetery. President Kennedy's grave was marked by an eternal flame that still burns today. There are many conspiracy theories that surround the death of President Kennedy.

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