Jill Scharff Object Relation Theory

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The video with Object Relation Theory was written /presented by Jill Scharff but hosted by Jon Carlson and Diane Kjos. Dr. Scharff spoke about the Object Relations Theory approach. She indicated that an object relations approach abstain a blank slate and forms the primary client/counselor relationship (Psychotherapy.net, 2008). Dr. Scharff indicated, “The psychotherapist creates a holding environment for unconscious material to emerge and childhood wounds to be worked through—a process that’s mystifying and out of reach to many of us” (Psychotherapy.net, 2008). She demonstrated this process in her session as: “she follows her client’s lead, she remains neutral yet connected, looks for the subtle affect and patterns of speech that signal underlying conflict, and ultimately encourages her client’s deeper issues of guilt towards his mother to surface and be addressed” (Psychotherapy.net, 2008). In addition, this theory conceals that human’s need for contact with other and forming relationships.
How Object Relation Theory Resonates with Me …show more content…

They therapy uncover early mental images that may contribute to any present difficulties in one’s relationships with others and adjust them in ways that may improve interpersonal functioning (Goldstein, 2001). According to Dr. Scharff, dynamic internalized relationships between the self and significant others involve mental representations of: how you perceived thy self, self in relation to the object and relationship between self and object. Objects are formed during infancy through repeated experiences with one's caregiver, which inhibits healthy or unhealthy developments in a

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