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• The Effect of Advertisement on Consumer Behavior
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The article I chose to critique was the article called “Jesus is a brand of Jeans” by Jean Kilbourne. By reading this title you would more than likely think that it would be about something much more different than what it is about. The purpose of this article is to inform about advertisements. This article talks about kids and adults that are influenced by advertisements. Every aspect of life has been taken over by advertisement. This article is meant to help explain how advertisement seeps its way into our everyday lives. This article is all about the effects of advertisements. There are many things that advertisements have affected and people don’t even realize it. One main key thing that this article talks about is targeting the vulnerable …show more content…
ones. The vulnerable ones can be the people that have to have cigarettes, someone that has to go and spend money, or an alcoholic. If they know that there are alcoholics they are going to direct the advertisement to them in some way. Alcoholics need alcohol. The companies that sell alcohol know that. So they make advertisements that make alcohol look more irresistible. Another big idea in this article is the reason why advertisement is so important. Many people think that advertisements don’t have effect on them, when in reality it really does. People may not even realize that it affects them. For example, if there is a commercial about a certain cooking device, that commercial may not make you want to order that particular device but it may make you think to go out and buy another brand or something like it. That is where advertisements get you. They make you think you need things when you don’t really need them. That is where advertising gets its power, from people who don’t believe. Advertisement also corrupts many things in this world. That is another point that is written about in this article. One appeal he used was the emotional appeal.
I found it about two or three times within the article. One of the examples that really stuck out to me was the part about the children. The article is talking about advertisement targeting children because they are young and vulnerable. Some people might see that as a bad thing, while other parents would think it wouldn’t be so bad. When people read this article they might feel a type of emotion after because its little kids and they don’t know any better. So they see this advertisement and they want it so bad. They go up to their mom and dad and ask if they can have it and if they say no, that poor little kid is upset because they can’t have that toy or whatever it may have been on the advertisement. Advertisements show things that replace relationships. One thing that is advertised is cell phones. Cell phones can sometimes ruin relationships. People are getting used to using cell phones and email and not being able to hold a conversation without it being awkward. So many people are losing the skills to communicate. There are very few human connections and there are more connections to electronics. Advertisements make the possessions seem like they will never go away but humans will die or leave home. The biggest idea of all, in my opinion, comes from the title. Many advertisements include spiritual or religious words that catch the eye of people that are spiritual. The article gives many examples, like Eternity by Calvin Klein. Eternity is a word that is used a lot in spiritual discussions. The one that is in the title is the brand of Jeans, “Jesus”. By using the name “Jesus” many people turn their head when it comes to these jeans. Spiritual people might think that is they love Jesus, they might love the jeans as well. Another example that they use in the article is the alcohol commercial that has an alcoholic beverage with a halo of light around it. This immediately is meant to pull on your emotional ties and
spirituality. The next appeal I saw throughout the article was the ethical appeal. The example that I found was the part that was talking about how much power that advertisement actually has over us. The author is talking about how the power of advertising comes from the belief that it will not have an effect on you. After he talked about that he brought in a quote from Joseph Goebbles, which was a German politician that was highly experienced in advertisements. When he put this quote in he gave credibility to the topic. He took someone that was creditable for that specific topic and used his quotes and knowledge to make an ethical appeal. The next appeal is logical. This appeal is using stats and hard evidence to show a point. The one that I found in this article was towards the end of the article the author starts talking about a tribe in Alaska. He was wanting to measure the influence of advertising, but there is no possible way to do that. So as he researched this tribe he found that in 1980 they received television, which means they were exposed to advertisements. The article states that within 10 years, the tribe was taken over by television and video games. They no longer wanted to learn about different legends about their tribes or learn about hunting. Instead, they all got new Nike tennis shoes and instant coffee. No, this isn’t numbers of any kind, but it is a study that they did on this tribe for advertisement. This is hard evidence as to what the effects of advertisements can be.
Joseph Turow’s The Daily You shows us the in depth look of behind the scenes of the advertising industry and its impact on individuals in the consumer society we live in. Every time you click a link, fill out a form or visit a website, advertisers are working to collect personal information about you, says Joseph Turow, a professor at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. Then they target ads to you based on that information they collected. This tracking is ubiquitous across the Internet, from search engines to online retailers and even greeting card companies.
In the article, Jesus is a Brand of Jeans, by Jean Kilbourne, we get an insightful look into the effects of advertising on us, as human beings. As we all know, humans let us down. We are imperfect beings, going about life interacting with each other, good and bad. It seems though, over the past 50 years advertising has taken away from human value, and brain washed us into thinking stuff is more important than people.
Advertisements are one of many things that Americans cannot get away from. Every American sees an average of 3,000 advertisements a day; whether it’s on the television, radio, while surfing the internet, or while driving around town. Advertisements try to get consumers to buy their products by getting their attention. Most advertisements don’t have anything to do with the product itself. Every company has a different way of getting the public’s attention, but every advertisement has the same goal - to sell the product. Every advertisement tries to appeal to the audience by using ethos, pathos, and logos, while also focusing on who their audience is and the purpose of the ad. An example of this is a Charmin commercial where there is a bear who gets excited when he gets to use the toilet paper because it is so soft.
In the article, Every Nook and Cranny: The Dangerous Spread of Commercialized Culture by Gary Ruskin and Juliet Schor (Ackley 361). Since the early 90s is when Commercialism has bombarded the society. Ruskin and Schor provide examples why advertising has an effect on people’s health. Marketing related diseases afflicting people in the United States, and especially children, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and smoking-related illnesses. “Each day, about 2,000 U.S. children begin to smoke, and about one-third of them will die from tobacco-related illnesses” (Ackley 366). Children are inundated with advertising for high calorie junk food and fast food, and, predictably, 15 percent of U.S. children aged 6 to 19 are now overweight (Ackley 366). Commercialism promotes future negative effects and consumers don’t realize it.
Consumerism is the idea that influences people to purchase items in great amounts. Consumerism makes trying to live the life of a “perfect American” rather difficult. It interferes with society by replacing the normal necessities for life with the desire for things with not much concern for the true value of the desired object. Children are always easily influenced by what they watch on television. Swimme suggests in his work “How Do Kids Get So Caught Up in Consumerism” that although an advertiser’s objective is to make money, the younger generation is being manipulated when seeing these advertisements. Before getting a good understanding of a religion, a child will have seen and absorbed at least 30,000 advertisements. The amount of time teenagers spend in high school is lesser than the amount of advertisement that they have seen (155). The huge amount of advertisements exposed to the younger generation is becomi...
In the article Kilbourne is stressing the Idea that advertising is stripping us of our spirituality, culture is becoming commercialism. Kilbourne believes that because of the way advertisements are deployed they’re changing our values in what I (and I’m pretty sure she) would consider an extremely negative way. Kilbourne talks of their efforts to addict us to consumerism as children and leave us emotionally starved, expecting products to fill the void that they create in us. The culture that comes with these advertisements is turning us into self-indulgent, close minded people Kilbourne sums this idea up quite well bemoaning that “This apparently bottomless consumerism not only depletes the world’s resources,
The video describes how our society may not even care about the product being advertised, but we still read the billboard or watch the commercial. Also mentioned was the use of colors in a commercial, the marketing effects in politics, and even market research obtained by studying different cults. Frontline takes an in-depth look at the multibillion-dollar “persuasion industries” of advertising and how this rhetoric affects everyone. So whether this is in the form of a television commercial or a billboard, pathos, logos, and ethos can be found in all advertisements.
Kilbourne writes about the advertisers promoting the corruption of our human nature, the use of our desires and longing of intimacy with another, to convince us that a material object can fulfill those needs, and that it is better than an actual person to person relationship by writing “many ads state or imply that products are more important than people" (Page
Protect Children from Targeted Advertising stated one good postive fact about ads that I feel esstential for our economy to continue to grow and suceed. In paragragh one Protect Children from Targeted Adversting states the follwoing; "American businesses are vital to a successful economy. So, they are allowed to advertise to the young as well as the old. In fact, businesses spend around twelve billion dollars each year on ads directed at children." This statement shows the without ads we wouldn 't have a succesful economy. Ads help persuade many indivuals to not only buy their products and help our economy grow fincially but also can persuade many chidren to do greats things. Protect Children from Targeted Advertising also states in paragraph two; "Advertisers make big impressions on little minds. The Amerian Psychological Association (APA) reports that children younger than eight years do not understand that ads are designed to persuade. But kids remember the ads extremly well, and they see thousands each year. Making them easy prey. Children being easy prey
When reading the article Jesus is A Pair of Jeans by Jean Kilbourne she expresses that she feels advertisements affect us negatively, I disagree with a majority of the information she used. Going through the article it seems she picked bad advertisements to exploit, instead of letting readers know not all ads are created in the same way. There is a slight amount of over exaggeration that makes the issue with advertisements larger than it is. Without advertisements, many people wouldn't know about some life-changing products such as types of medications, counseling hotlines, community resources, or recall alerts.
The author observes how society influences advertising within the article. He demonstrates this by comparing advertising across American and British cultures. Unwin makes the point that the advertisements that are developed are really a reflection of society today, to include its problems, beliefs, values, trends, and behaviors. He notes that even though we mold the medium, we must also adapt to it. This discussion is applicable to my research because of the idea that society is the driving force in adding sexuality in advertisements. If my research shows a change in brand advertising over time, this could be the result of a change in societal values, according to Unwin’s argument.
Similarly, numerous advertisements on mass media has also created adverse impacts on society. Critics substantiate this fact by giving argument that advertising of expensive products cause sense of depravity in the poor people. In addition, daily thousands of advertisements are destined to an individual through different mind process of a person.
Just like a fish hook, advertisers snatch customers up with bait and reel them in by making them buy their products. Advertising is everywhere; in bathroom stalls, elevators, billboards, buses, buildings, and magazines. It is one of the most pervasive forms of communication in the modern world. Although advertising plays such an important role in society, advertising has so many negative effects because it persuades people to buy products they don't need and leads people to believe they aren't enough as they are.
Over 900 times in the New Testament, you will find the name, Jesus. Such a sweet and powerful name it is! The name Jesus is known around the world and when His name is spoken, people know who He is whether they are a believer in Him or not. I’ll never forget hearing my husband’s aunt and cousin singing the song Jesus is the Sweetest Name I Know to my father in law when he passed away. All the noise and drama in the back of the room hushed to the sweet words of this song.
Advertising has been defined as the most powerful, persuasive, and manipulative tool that firms have to control consumers all over the world. It is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Its impacts created on the society throughout the years has been amazing, especially in this technology age. Influencing people’s habits, creating false needs, distorting the values and priorities of our society with sexism and feminism, advertising has become a poison snake ready to hunt his prey. However, on the other hand, advertising has had a positive effect as a help of the economy and society.