Java And Python: Java Vs. Python

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Java vs. Python

Java and Python are both popular programming languages. Each has its own strength, when it comes to programming. In my research, I have tried to elaborate the main differences and similarities, as well as some of more specific and detailed differences.
General Comparison: Java Python
1. Java runs faster and its compiler has less runtime. Python is slower than java.
2. Java has longer development time with more detailed code. Python programs and codes are typically 3-5 times shorter than java
3. Java is static language (Explained later) Python is a dynamic language
4. Java is pure OOP (Object Oriented Programming Language) Python is mixture of multi-paradigm (it supports procedural, functional & OOP)
5. Java Supports Overloading Python also supports …show more content…

Specific Comparisons
1: Subprograms
A program can be broken down into several smaller units, which has a particular task or has a repeated task. The complete program is thus made up of multiple smaller, independent subprograms that work together with the main program.
Reference to subprogram in detail:
1. A Sub Programs in General:
Python is different type of programming languages in which it uses indentation to separate code into blocks or sub program. Java, like most other languages, uses curly braces to define the beginning and end of each function and class definition.
Java Python if ( a > b )
a = b; b =

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