Jasper Jones Monologue

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Gasping. Fresh air fills your chest. Scaldingly cold. Opening your eyes, a blinding white room occupies your vision. Again. A profluent voice issues into your head, “You have been revived by your loving government. You have experienced a near death experience. Please remember than intentional deletion is not permitted in Australia. If you wish to be deleted, please present your application to a local branch.” Slowly, you heave your new body off a coroner’s table. The world sways slightly. Fixer drugs do that to you. Wandering through a hallway filled with debris, you reach the high arcing front door. Barely impressive anymore, you pass under the crumbling masonry without a second glance. On the street, the soft cascades of a thousand footfalls …show more content…

Hundreds of faceless people; you've seen them all before. Murmurs of broken languages no one cares to use anymore. You are carried along the worn-down flagstones until a towering office building comes into view. You push your way out of the human river and onto the deserted curb. A broken window at the rear of the skyscraper becomes your makeshift entrance. A looted atrium greets you. You welcome the break from the automatons. This has been your haven since you swam into the Atlantic, searching for your cure, and got revived in Plymouth, Britain by accident. Hundreds of deep gouges in the wall represent your resentment. Puddles of blood from various attempts, some you don’t even remember. A few nooses, some knives, one degraded nine-millimetre. Everything is corroded; the alloys in steel gave out years ago. Rust rules this once-polished world. You withdraw your diary once more and, flicking to a page further into the book, read another entry. 31st December 2167 I gave in and sent my application today. Maybe they will process me quickly. No one has been deleted in the last few months; I wonder what the clog up is? A new church has opened down the road, “The

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