Jane Eyre: Helen Burns Character Analysis

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In Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, Jane encounters several characters during the stages of her life. Some of the characters appear in more than one stage of her life such as Mrs Reed, Bessie, and Rochester. There are other characters who are only there for her for a short period of time such as St John, Miss Temple, and Helen Burns. Although these characters are only in Jane’s life for a short time, they each have a great impact on Jane, especially Jane’s encounter with Helen at the Lowood Institution. Helen Burns makes a grave impact on Jane’s life, at Lowood and continuing on for the rest of her life.
Helen strives to live a Christian lifestyle despite the difficulties in her life. She is continually punished by her teacher, Miss Scatcherd. Helen is publicly insulted by her “Burns, you poke your chin most unpleasantly; draw it in” (Brontë 64) she continues to critique everything Helen does, from the way she stands to how she holds her head. Helen is physically punished for not washing properly when the water was frozen that morning. Helen continues to exemplify a Christian moral b...

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