James Waerengaahika Maxwell's Speach to Submission on the Smoke-free Environments (Tobacco Plain Packaging) Amendment Bill 2013

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The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan outlawed women from revealing any part of their bodies excluding their hands and faces. This is done so as to save the male populous from concupiscent compulsion, achieving no good. These Afghani leaders maintain that the government should decide what is good for people, so stopping them seeing things that might lead them wayward. It seems a lot of Kiwi politicians concur. Perhaps they do not always see eye to eye with one another's political systems, but they do seem to share their political philosophy. Thus, already banning the advertising of cigarettes, are now in support of proposed “plain packaging” legislation that would prohibit proper, and normal branding on cigarette packets. Deciding themselves that smoking is bad for people, they do not have any issue in prohibiting images and words that they believe may lead to and a continuance of people smoking. However, they cannot conceivably; possibly, by any chance or means, truly know or understand if smoking is bad for people. Individual people with individual minds and individual thoughts and i...

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