Women's Rights

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Women rights in America is very different to how women’s rights are in Pakistan. In America women have the right to do go out with friends, especially male friends, to vote, to an education, to a job, to marry whoever they wish to marry and to many other different things. Women are allowed to do all these different things without having a bad consequence unlike other places. In Pakistan many women are not able to even go outside of their house without being called something bad, if a woman goes out in Pakistan without the company of a brother, father or any male relative then they could be stoned to death or even killed. It is very hard to be a woman in Pakistan because they have different religious and costume beliefs that are different than …show more content…

Whoever doesn’t obey their father’s decision to marry has to be killed. People in Pakistan believe that a woman is property of the family until they are sent to marry. Once they are married then they are property of the husband and his family. According to the article How Pakistan’s women are punished for love by Yalda Hakim she interviews Abdul Malik, the husband of a girls whose she told "In Pakistan, love is a big sin. Centuries have passed, the world has made so much progress - men have reached the heavens. But our men are still following age-old customs and traditions from the dark ages” (Malik). In Pakistan there are many religious and costumes that believe women don’t have any type of freedom and whoever is to disobey that is to be …show more content…

Hundreds of women are killed and each year because of the men. This just shows children that it is okay to treat women the way their fathers treat them and that just puts the future generation in danger. Women must be covered head to toe when they leave their house and must be accompanied by someone at all time. Women have fewer rights than the men in Pakistan. If a man kills a woman, they won’t have any consequence; however, if a woman kills his husband in self-defense, then they are sentenced up to about ten years in jail or they are put on death row. Father’s positions are to kill their daughters if they don’t agree with getting married without their own will. The men of Pakistan don’t want the women to have education or any freedom of their own. They like having the control over their women at all time. The way women are treated doesn’t have to do with the rights that the government gives them but mostly on the beliefs that Pakistani people have towards

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