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Essay about slavery in jamaica
Slavery in colonial jamaica
African slaves in jamaica
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Slavery and plantation life in the British colonies were especially complex systems when compared to those in areas under Latin rule, and historically have played a large part in molding more modern lifestyles on the island. One can understand many modern social structures by looking into the history of Jamaica and how the large role of sugar and other plantations shaped the island into what it is today. By looking at the historic social structures on plantations in Jamaica one can begin to make sense of the rebellious nature and sense of identity that formed and led to the almost constant stream of rebellions and revolts that took place. The plantation system can somewhat be characterized as a total institution in which the life of the slave was completely controlled by the planter (Higman, 1). The plantations in Jamaica dominated their own territory and represented “a kind of isolated state with the ingredients for the development of a creole perception of community and sense of place” (Higman, 1). With regard to the idea of “complete” control, however, it is important to note that the large degree of absenteeism among plantation masters or owners led to the appointment of overseers to supervise the slaves; these overseer’s laziness led to “a relaxation of tyranny outside of the work situation” which meant slaves …show more content…
could do more undetected and begin to carve out a life of their own within the plantation structure (Patterson, 93). Jamaica was the first island in the West Indies to utilize the provision-ground system as the main way to supply it’s slaves with their subsistence and it was the island in which “the system was most highly developed,” likely in part due to the large degree of relaxation with regard to slave activity outside of the work period (Patterson, 216-217). The slaves were allowed to use their provision grounds, which were allocated by the planter, to produce their own food in their own time and were permitted to sell their surplus in the internal market of the island (Higman, 3). By about the middle of the eighteenth century, almost the entire population of freepeople were dependent on the slaves not only for their labor which was the base of the economic system, but also almost all of their vegetables and cash crops (Patterson, 216). Due to the isolated state of each plantocracy aforementioned, and the “enforced relative immobility” of the slave population, kinship networks developed within the confines of the plantation settlements (Higman, 300). The kinship seen among plantation societies were both fictive and biological; they provided support as well as a sense of identity that linked individual slaves who often yielded from different countries, held different beliefs, and spoke different languages, together (Higman, 292-293). The formation of these strong bonds of friendship and ultimately kinship between African individuals initially began on the slave ships as individuals made their way through the Middle Passage, and continued on within the plantation society (Patterson, 150). The family group structures on the plantations were constantly under attack. Males and females faced different difficulties with regard to relationships and familial structures within the plantation society; both faced the risk of being separated and sold, marriages were not recognized on the island, and women were often exploited sexually by white men (Higman, 115). To a remarkable extent, however, the “families of slaves held together and created the cement that molded the slave population into a community with a sense of identity and idea of its place in the world” (Higman, 115). Nuclear families were not the familial structure found in Jamaica, both historically, and often times still today, as there was a risk that their small unit would be torn apart. Instead, family ties were extended, and continued to change over one’s lifetime with the inclusion of more individuals, and sometimes the loss of others. The slave plantation system gave women opportunities to use and exploit her sexuality to her own advantage. Slavery in Jamaica, has been claimed to have ultimately led to “the breakdown of all forms of social sanctions relating to sexual behavior” and it has been said that “in no other area was the degrees of sexual abandonment so great as in Jamaica” (Patterson,159). Due to the fact that all slave women were the property of the master,control they could exercise with regard to providing protection or offering any advantages which “led to the complete demoralization of the Negro male” (Patterson, 167). This loss of masculine pride and the development of irresponsible parental and sexual attitudes that resulted can be seen throughout Jamaica today (Patterson, 168). The relationships between the African slaves and their creole counterparts is also important. On the plantation individuals who were lighter skinned or mixed were recruited to work within the household, and were viewed as “superior” to the blacks (Patterson, 59 & 64). This concept of color is seen at all levels in Jamaican slave society, however the high or low status assigned to each individual based on skin tone “was merely a reflection of the attitudes and estimation of the masters” (Patterson, 65). The household slaves formed a “kind of slave aristocracy” due to their value and proximity to the master when compared to the field slaves (Patterson, 65 & 57). The relationship with the overseer and the slave was also a key feature of Jamaican slave society. The overseer was feared but not respected, and ultimately the slaves viewed him as an “enemy never to be trusted, an to be foiled at every opportunity” (Patterson, 173). The slaves often expressed their resentment toward the overseer by stealing from him, it was said that “to pilfer from their masters they consider as no crime” for “when a slave makes free with his master’s property, he thus ingeniously argues- ‘what I take from my master, being for my use, who am his slave or property, he loses nothing but it’s transfer’” (Patterson, 222). The Jamaican term Quashee likely stemmed from this relationship as a stereotype of the slave, yet it held some small kernel of truth or at least became a self fulfilling prophecy (Patterson, 179). Ultimately Quashee describes an individual who is cunning, crafty, artful, capricious, childlike, revengeful, deceitful, and over-reaching (Patterson, 175-177). The relationship between slave women and their children was unique as well. Due to the demoralization of the male slaves as mention previously, the women became the dominant and often times the sole factor in rearing children (Patterson, 168). Trying to balance the extreme requirements and mistreatment of slave life as well as caring for infants and eventually children led to a excessively high death rate among children between 0 and 4 years of age (Patterson, 111). Over time the women on the plantation, especially creole’s, developed and held onto “anti-breeding” attitudes and were unwilling to bear children (Patterson, 111-112). When a child was born on the plantation it faced almost ritualized neglect (Patterson,154). Women held an attitude of resignation toward children during their first eight or nine days, and often times the child was not changed or fed until after this period had passed (154). Despite this neglect children were also viewed by their parents as a form of security (Patterson, 169). Ultimately the child faced a “combination of extreme cruelty and great love and affection” that is found in parenting in Jamaica still (Patterson, 168). These anti-breeding attitudes led to problems in maintaining the slave population in Jamaica without further supplying it from outside.
The slave population of Jamaica, unlike other areas often times failed to reproduce itself and thus slaves from Africa were continuously having to be brought in (Patterson, 275). Prior to 1807 slave-owners “regarded buying slaves rather than breeding them as a necessary practice” (Morgan, 231). During the eighteenth century Jamaica alone imported 575,000 Africans in an attempt to increase the enslaved population, but due to the high mortality rate the population only increased by approximately 250,000 (Morgan,
231). This constant influx of African’s led to some complications that are not seen in other plantation areas. The basis of the creole society that formed in Jamaica was initially laid down by Africans who arrived against their will and were enslaved on the island, once this creole slave society was established, however, it then formed the main host society for the constant and newly arriving slaves from Africa (Patterson, 145). The high proportion of African slaves, who had at one period of their life been “free”, led to a greater tendency to revolt (Murdoch, 2009: 70-71). As a result of this increased tendency to reveal, it can be said that Jamaica, unlike many other places during this time harbored a culture “born in resistance” (Patterson, 258). Another feature of Jamaican society that further enabled the increased instances of revolts and rebellions was the “numerical insignificance of the whites” which led to a “fear regime” (Patterson, 93). This ratio of masters to slaves enabled the slaves to go frequently undetected and therefore several times historically there was “a wider resistance which only rumbled under cover until such times as a leader, with a plan and an ability to recruit and organise the disaffected, rose into action” (Hall, 50). Due to these two factors, “rebellion, or the threat of it, was an almost permanent feature of Jamaican slave society” (Patterson, 266). One of the largest and more well known of these rebellions is The Baptist War of 1831-1832, which is also known as the Christmas Rebellion; it continued for two weeks and involved anywhere from 20-50,000 slaves (Higman, 262). The motive behind the rebellion was the false belief that freedom in Jamaica had been granted by the queen but was being withheld by the planter class (Smith, 2009:48). The result of the Christmas Rebellion was the death of at least 200 slaves and 14 whites, a loss of property values at £1,132,440 and the execution of 312 slaves (Higman, 262). This rebellion showed clear evidence of detailed planning on the part of the slave population months prior to the revolt, and a use of networks of communication to execute the plan (Higman, 262-263). Two other rebellions during this period are the Argyle War and The War in August which were not as successful because information was leaked to the planters ahead of time and therefore the slaves were unable to mobilize as effectively (Higman, 260 & 287). Ultimately Jamaica is unique in that it is one of the rare times in which human society was artificially created using people who were moved to a society against their will, for the sole goal of making money using it’s plantations (Patterson, 9). This tumultuous beginning continued throughout the islands history as the large slave population clashed with the small yet strong planter class. Historically the planter’s attitudes toward the slaves and their rebellious nature “oscillated between extreme hysteria and unbelievable smugness” (Patterson, 276). The character of the slave society of Jamaica appears to have been built out of toughness and resistance, while simultaneously holding both biological and fictive kinship in high regard.
...gro Slavery tried to influence the reader all too much. Instead, Stampp preferred to let the statistics and anecdotes tell the tale which allowed both scholars and non-scholars to draw their own conclusions based upon the evidence presented. Because of this, The Peculiar Institution is an invaluable source of information regarding both the institute of slavery as well as southern culture during the ante-bellum period. Personal anecdotes as well as impersonal plantation records solidify this work as an important piece of research that seeks to present the realities of slavery to a modern audience. This impersonal presentation provides a more scholarly approach to a long sensitive topic of debate in the United States. It serves as a reminder to the modern generation of the horrors of slavery and seeks to debase the romantic notion of the paternalistic slave holder.
In document 9, it shows Jamaica's (British colony)time span of the years 1703-1789 and how the slave population was at 45,000 at 1703 and now it's at 250,000 at 1789. Threw all of these slaves the amount of sugar produced was at 4,782 tons in the year of 1703 and now that it is 1789, 250,000 slaves produced 59,400 tons
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1.In 1831, James Henry Hammond inherited through marriage Silver Bluff Plantation, on the shores of South Carolina. He was a Lawyer, Teacher and a Newspaper editor. He undertook the running of his plantation and soon realized it was not an easy job to overcome the dominance of the complexity of social system that existed. He struggled to control and manage it for the next thirty years. He called a “a system of roguery. “Hammond astutely recognized that black life on his plantation was structured and organized as a “system “, the very existence of which seemed necessarily a challenge to his absolute control and therefore, as he perceived it a kind of “roguery.” Because Hammond’s mastery over his bondsmen depended upon his success at undermining slave society and culture, he established a carefully designed plan of physical
Curtin, Philip D: The rise and fall of the plantation complex:essays in Atlantic history (Cambridge, 1990).
The Caribbean is comprised of a group of island. Jamaica is one of the greatest Antilles. It has a tropical climate. Each country has its own culture, Jamaicans is not an exemption, and they have an assorted and distinctive one. “Their culture is a complex mixture of African, Arabic, European, East Indian, and Chinese roots combining together to create a rich, dynamic heritage” (Gall, 2009).
Many plantation owners were men that wanted their plantation ran in a particular manner. They strove to have control over all aspects of their slaves’ lives. Stephanie Camp said, “Slave holders strove to create controlled and controlling landscapes that would determine the uses to which enslaved people put their bodies.” Mary Reynolds was not a house slave, but her master’s daughter had a sisterly love towards her, which made the master uncomfortable. After he sold Mary he had to buy her back for the health of his daughter. The two girls grew apart after the daughter had white siblings of her own. Mary wa...
"The Rastafarians emerge as a loosely organized inspirational group (or groups?) of men and women concerned at the plight of black people, especially the plight of those whose ancestors were forcibly removed from Africa to become the slaves of the white man on his plantations in the islands of the Caribbean"(Cashmore, 1). The English takeover of Jamaica in 1660 started the terrible beginning of the African Diaspora. Millions of Africans were stolen off of their continent and were shipped over to the Caribbean where they were fashioned to do slave labor so the Europeans could make money. Over 80 million Africans died in the process of departing to the islands. The slaves were denied any form of religion and were treated like animals. They were also denied food and were made to grow their own food so they could feed themselves. Many years went by till the slaves started to rebel. The 'Maroons' were a group of runaway slaves who started a powerful group of guerrilla warriors who lived in the most dangerous woods in Jamaica. But the Maroons gave in and signed a peace treaty in 1738 and were paid to catch the runaway slaves and became supporters of slavery.
The Haitian Revolution’s success is most notably because of the large number of slaves involved as well as the free colored people. As the sugar boom created a great demand for workers and more labor, the plantation owners depended more heavily on Africans to work their fields. In the late 1760’s slave imports averaged over 15,000 a year, by the late 1780’s they averaged over 30,000. In 1779, there were about 32,650 whites and about 249,098 slaves. This number would only double in the years to come. There were about 12 slaves to one white plantation owner. The plantation owners had harsh demands for the slaves. The slaves had to worry about physical punishment. The treatment of the slaves was supposed to be followed by the Code Noir but many plantation owners ignored this. Slave owners would whip their slaves, they would brand them with their initials and they would sometimes even cut off their ears for punishment. The slaves were able to see the division between the whites and the free men of color and that they had a chance for freedom. The slave revolts and the revolts from the free men of color proved to be very successful in aiding the Haitian Revolution. The slaves and the free men of color defeated the French and eliminated most of the white population in Saint-Domingue. They were able to overthrow an old ruling class and open way for a...
Although the historical reality is sometimes difficult to accept by African Americans who still face racial discrimination over a century after the abolition of slavery, African complicity in the slave trade neither justifies today's social problems nor minimizes their seriousness. Fifteenth-century Africa, was not a homogenous group of people. Some African elites benefited from the enslavement of their rivals, their enemies, their poor, and other culturally foreign groups from the 15th century through the 18th and even into the 19th centuries. Class, language, religion, gender, and ethnicity divided Africans, and it was along these lines that certain Africans participated in the slave trade. Understanding the dynamics of African complicity in the slave trade is important in understanding Africans as historically active and diverse human beings. This understanding should not detract from the horrors of the slave trade or from its American legacy of inequality and racism.
The struggle of the Maroons of Jamaica against the British colonial authorities, their subsequent collaboration with and betrayal by them. A story that took a circular voyage from West Africa to Jamaica, then to Canada and in the end returned to Africa.
Living in two different places is an experience that opens people’s mind to a new way of thinking. The diversities of each country has its own appeal and often times, we find ourselves comparing and contrasting these nations based a variety of aspects. Despite bearing some minor similarities, the differences in geography, climate, tradition, and economy between the two countries, Jamaica and the United States of America are extensive.
United States and Jamaica have many similarities such as they were both under British rule for several years, and they both elect officials to govern the country. However the differences between the two are quite vast when it comes to the quality of education, government, and healthcare. When the three are compared it is clear to see that in terms of where is a better place for a child to grow up the United States is a better place to be.
There are several different cultural backgrounds connected to the people of Jamaica. It is one of the truly multiculturalism countries in the world. The native Arwark's were the only group never to root their culture into Jamaica due to their extermination. There are signs of British influence from the official language of English to many of their traditional European customs. Many of the locals speak a dialect of English with African, Spanish, and French elements. 95% of the populations of Jamaica are from African or partly African descent (Verrill 130). The slaves had great trust in folktales and proverbs that have been past down from generation to generation.
The political and economic history of Jamaica is based upon its foundation as a slave colony. From the beginning, the colony was under Spanish rule that relied upon native slave laboring in the sugar fields. The first law to be implemented upon the island under Spanish rule was the Repartimiento, introduced by Governor Esquivel, the first governor of Jamaica. The law enabled colonists to apply for and receive special permission to use the natives for a period of time; forcing them into labors such as planting and logging (Bennett 70). Francisco de Garay, who became governor in 1514, enacted an other set of regulations called the Requermiento (The Requirement) (Bennett 70). This system was implemented with the basis that the colonists had to convert the natives to Christianity; Garay was hopeful that in doing so, the natives would “be tractable, properly maintained and live and greatly multiply” (Sherlock 70).