Jackson Katz Violence Against Women Essay

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Jackson Katz gave a TEDtalk on violence against women, such as sexual assault and domestic violence, and began his talk with the statement “I'm going to argue that these are men's issues, first and foremost” (Katz). The way that violence against women is displayed is frequently in a way that makes it completely about women, rather than about the men who are incurring the violence. While he is not saying that it is not an issue for women as well, he is trying to dispel the misconception that men are not the issue. In society, one fact that is commonly misconstrued is that the decisions made by a woman are what caused her to get beaten or raped, such as what she was wearing, and the actual role of the perpetrator is downplayed. By raising awareness that it a man’s issue, he hopes that these types of negative circumstances become less and less due to attacking the problem from the root rather than taking the easy way out and blaming the woman. …show more content…

Katz goes on to give examples of things that can be done, and things that he has done to improve this incorrect and negative projection. One thing that he has done is teach a leadership class in an effort to start with people in power, and have them learn how to not foster a thought process that eliminates men from the equation in their subordinates. While he talks about the importance of men in power going against the flow and spreading awareness, he also brings attention to the “bystander approach” which is essentially not allowing other men you are with to talk in a derogatory fashion about women. By helping men around you to treat women with respect when there are no women around, it helps them learn how to treat women with respect when they are with them, and as a result diminish the amount of violence against

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