Isolation In Hello Monster

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The mind can become its own enemy after long periods of isolation. In the story Hello, Monster, Dave starts to lose control of his emotions, and his thoughts were clouded by fear, anxiety and despair, after being isolated. Likewise, after being cut off from society for several weeks, with no human interaction, Richard Pine started to revert back to utilizing only his survival instincts. Also, when Dr. Robert Neville lost his last link to society, he lost all hope and was ready to give up. Without any human interaction, the mind starts to become an enemy of itself.

In Hello, Monster, when Dave was first trapped he was hopeful of escaping the sewers and returning back to his normal life. However as night fell, the mind could not handle being …show more content…

After he arrived at the island, day by day he was losing his links to society. For instance, first he lost broke his watch, and this made keeping track of time impossible. After that, he cannibalized upon himself, which is seen as a sin in most societies. The third link to society that was destroyed after arriving at the island was isolation. The only physical link he had left to society, and that kept him going, was his book. However, this was not enough, to keep Richard from transforming into an animal that utilizes only its instincts to survive. His unethical actions were justified simply by saying that he has a superior mind and that this was the only way to survive. However this all led to him becoming something inhumane. “I'm a monster now, a freak”, Richard said while looking at his reflection. When Richard says he has turned into a monster, he is not only talking about his physical change, but also the change in his mentality and ethics. For instance, at the beginning of the story he was reluctant in using the heroin, and claimed it to be worthless, however by the end he had become an addict. By eating his own leg, Richard proves that his mind and body is superior to that of an average person, because cannibalising upon themselves is not something an average person would think of. Nevertheless, in the end, even Richards superior mind was destroyed

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