Isaac Newton's Accomplishments

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This is an essay about Sir Isaac Newton and his inventions. As you read this you will find out many new facts with Newton. These things include his laws of motion. Newton did many things to revolutionize science. So without any further ado, let's begin. “Who was Newton and what was his job?” Is a commonly asked question so lets explain. Born in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England on January 4, 1643, Sir Isaac Newton was a mathematician and physicist who is one the most important people in the development of physical science. He created the now commonly known laws of motion and his gravity theories. Newton is one of the most famous scientists even in death for all his discoveries. With all this you now have some background on who Newton …show more content…

In 1687 he published a book on the mathematical principles of natural philosophy. Claimed to be his greatest work, this book was so amazing that he is now declared a knight in England. This is how he got his known to date name Sir Isaac Newton. That gives you a little more insight on the great things Newton did.
Many people wonder how and accordingly why Newton did all this stuff, these are the reasons. Starting of his discoveries, it is said that Isaac started his gravity discoveries by being hit on the head with a falling apple around 1665 to 1667. Wondering why it didn’t fall at an angle, but instead straight down, he started his gravity theories. To get his ideas out he worked nonstop for 18 months. In this book the three basic laws of motion were created and nonetheless are commonly used now. Now you know the start of an amazing legacy for Newton.
The laws of motion are one of Newton’s greatest ideas, this is the first law and what it means. Law number one is “Every object persist in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change the state by forces impressed on it.” This means that an object will not move or stop (depending on the object) unless a different force acts on it. An opposing force to stop motion is gravity, helping prove it is real. That is more information on Newton’s first

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