When you look around, wherever you go, you are seeing someone’s face lit up not on the basis that they are joyous but due to the light of their phone. Most people you see have their cellular devices out talking, texting or using social media and not being genuinely sociable to the people they are with at that moment. In 2010, more than 1,500 pedestrians were estimated to be treated in emergency rooms for injuries related to using a cell phone while walking (Grabmeier). Now, imagine if you or a loved one was walking down the street and were using a cell phone and had gotten hurt as a result that you/they were distracted. Have you ever wondered how, since someone can be injured while using a cell phone, then what ,indeed, happens in medical facilities? …show more content…
Knowing how to communicate properly is very critical when you begin your journey as a Respiratory Therapist and also until then end. Knowing that cell phones make it “easier” (not having to have face-to-face conversations) to talk to people but does it make your job easier? Susan Tardanico, in her article that she wrote for Forbes, asks the most important question in her title, “Is Social Media Sabotaging Real Communication?” A statement that carved itself into my brain in her article states, “On a crisp Friday afternoon last October, Sharon Seline exchanged text messages with her daughter who was in college. They ‘chatted’ back and forth, mom asking how things were going and daughter answering with positive statements followed by emoticons showing smiles, b-i-g smiles, and hearts. Happiness. Later that night, her daughter attempted suicide.” When it comes to the usage of cell phones, we forget that a lot of people who say they are fine are not doing very well. I think if a mother cannot recognize that her daughter needs help, how can a respiratory therapist adequately and appropriately treat their patients? Yes, everyone nowadays likes to be in a rush and hurry to get their jobs done, however, we all must take the time and communicate face to face to be able to understand fully the issue someone may be …show more content…
When it comes to social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, nobody wants to think about the negative effects it has on patients. Brian Cayko, the director of clinical education in the respiratory care program at Great Falls College, Montana State University in Great Falls, Montana argues that social media makes it easier for patients. When a patient is not able to acquire care at the medical facility, they can get in touch with their respiratory therapist with the use of social media sites. Cayko also states that social media sites can be helpful as “educational resources, patient support and social and professional networking.” I think that Cayko knows that everyone must remember the negative things about social media and the internet, with the understanding that just because it’s on the web doesn’t mean that it is the truth. No, not everything is wrong with social media sites, I am involved in social media sites myself; however, personally I know that when it comes to an occupation especially in the medical field, you have to be more aware of the negatives than the
It seems everybody in this ever-connected world is linked to some form of social media. And if you aren’t, I applaud you. It’s a TRAP. Carr begins his book by telling the stories of three well-educated men and the effects the internet has had on them. As stated by Bruce Friedman, a blogger about the use of computers in medicine, “Even a blog post of more than three or four paragraphs is too much to absorb. I skim it” (Carr 7), it’s too hard to focus on lengthy articles. The internet has shortened our attention span’s, seeking answers purely for convenience. I’m often looking for a
Randolph, S. A. (2012). Using Social Media and Networking in Health Care. Workplace Health & Safety, 60(1), 44-44.
According to an article written by Scranton University, the positive affects that social media has on Healthcare
In the past few years, the popularity of social media has increased tremendously. The board and evolving term ‘social media’ can be defined as a group of web-based applications and technology such as Facebook and Twitter that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content (Power, 2014). A myriad number of social media tools such as Facebook, YouTube, WebMD are available for health care professionals in Australia and globally (Power, 2014). Social Media is valued in health care as it can improve professional networking, student’s education,
Social media is affecting all spheres of life and no profession is left untouched by the impact of social media and nursing profession is no exception. Nobody can deny the benefits of social media for the profession of nursing yet its disadvantages for the registered nurses and student nurses during clinical practice cannot be ignored. “Social media can be defined as the constellation of internet-based tools that help a user to connect, collaborate, and communicate with others in real time” (Ressler & Glazer, 2010). Social media is growing at a very rapid rate and is now the mainstream communication method for most of the global population (http://www.internetworldstats.com/facebook.htm). It has brought a tremendous revolution in communication and disseminating information to nurses round the world.
According to Cohen (2011, para. 2) Social media is a technology used by individuals, groups and businesses to share information and interact with one another through the virtual world. The use of Social Media in Health Care brings new aspects as it is a technology that can be used by the public, patients, and the multidisciplinary teams to correspond with one another about any health issues. (Moorhead , et al., 2013)
Social media has changed the way people communicate with each other and in turn, has affected our ability to empathize in both negative and positive ways. One of the most harmful consequences is the rise of cyber-bullying. Another negative issue has been the trend of trolling in comments sections of websites, chat rooms, and other online venues of communication. In spite of this, there have been constructive consequences due to social media such as the ability for family and friends to keep in touch on a regular basis. Because of social media, many people are finding support and resources to help them when they fall on hard times or experience tragedies like death and illness. Overall, social media is an exciting new world that changes as it grows and it will be up to society to utilize it for good.
Today’s society accepted phones so fast and easily, that most of the things that can harm us, are actually some of our social norms that we don’t even realize we are doing. Cell phones can have effects on the way people think and act, their interactions with people in society, and the amount information people retain from the direct result of multi-tasking. Cell phones are a very important asset to people, and good resources of information, but they can have negative effects on people such as depression, anxiety, and addiction to the use of the cell phone. Distractions from cell phone use have also been linked to many motor vehicle accidents as well. Cell phones were created to make our lives better, and more efficient, but do they harm us more than help
Social media is so popular that according to a recent article published by forbes.com, “72% of American adults are currently using social media sites; that figure has gone up 800% in just 8 years”(Olenski). Social networking was originally created to simply reconnect people with old high school pals, but in recent years it has evolved into a completely different operation. When social media first originated it was also intended for adult usage, which has in recent years expanded into the usage of all ages. Social media can create a negative affect on lives because it has been proven to be a dangerous addiction, for it takes away interpersonal relationships that are essential in life, and it has been proven to prevent people from being productive in life.
Schurgin O'Keefe, MD, G., & Clarke-Pearson, MD, K. (2011). The impact of social media on
Social network sites have without a doubt become an important part of everyday life for many people, considering that Americans live in a country of technological advances. From people constantly checking their Facebook page to people posting pictures on Instagram, social media has changed people’s behavior and the way that they communicate with others. Social media includes websites such as Facebook and Twitter. This essay will focus on the causes and effects of social networking on the daily lives of American citizens.
Recognize that actions online and content posted can negatively affect their reputations among patients and colleagues, and may even have consequences for their medical careers (Admin, 2010). In the late 20th Century the internet was born and shortly after the personal computer began flooded every home. With the internet, began concerns for the public’s privacy on a national scale. Popular Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, LinkedIn, and Blogs usage began to increase and dominate technology (Social Media + Healthcare, 2011). The healthcare industry began to utilize social media not only for personal communication but for marketing and advertising, educating, awareness of services, promote wellness as well as sponsoring forums and support groups.
Supporters of social networking sites say that the online communities promote increased interaction with friends and family; offer teachers, librarians, and students valuable access to educational support and materials. Social networks are now widespread in our world with existing social networks expanding, social networking sites are being created for educators, medical professionals all accessible 24 hours a day via computer, tablet, smart phone, and Internet-enabled devices. Challengers of social networking say that the sites prevent face-to-face communication, waste time on frivolous activity and spread false and potentially dangerous information.
The explosion of social media has taken over our lives with a statistic of 2.03 billion social media users around the world. Social media has changed the ways in which we communicate; we use it to develop profiles, communicate with both friends and strangers and share our thoughts on our interests. We are moving from an era of interpersonal communication to constantly communicating online. In this essay, these ideas will be explored by underlying the affect of social media on human communication and how it influences our behavior in the real world and the online world.
Bhardwaj 1 Think of a time when people didn’t have technology and how they had to interact, whether it had been from writing letters to using telegraphs, communicating with people was hard to come by back then. Of course, times have changed and now technology has made it easier over the years, social media has become an essential part of our lives whether it be on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and many other websites. Nowadays, everybody is using it whether its companies using media to promote their products or even teachers tweeting out what last night’s homework was. Social media is a great tool that helps us connect with the world and communicate our ideas. Yet there are some people who believe that social media has a negative impact towards our society as they believe that people can get addicted to it, it causes them to get easily distracted, and many other dangers.