Is Rudeness: The Decline In Civility Or A Sign Of The Times?

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Rudeness: The Decline in Civility or a Sign of the Times? Remember your mother telling you that life was not fair? That a person who may, in fact, be less deserving than another is rewarded or recognized for something that should not have been theirs in the first place, but for us to learn how to deal with it; cautioning our behaviors before spanking our bottoms if we did not react adequately. As children, we were being taught manners and to be courteous to others. Therefore, herein lies the problem, people have gotten so wrapped up in their lives that they have forgotten they are not the only thing that inhibits this earth, forgetting that people have feelings, needs and wants outside of their own. As stated by Alex Packer, “many people …show more content…

It is terrifying how people can treat others with such blatant disregard. Consequently, as long as they don’t bother an individual personally, they go about their business like nothing ever happened. According to historian John Kasson, “We’re less concerned today with the whole realm of public behavior; we’re primarily concerned with minimizing the intrusion of others upon us as we make our way through urban space.”(Sanoff). Since rudeness is dealt with every day, we have in fact become numb to it, not by choice per say, but more so because we have to. The outcome of approaching the behavior is more often than not, more devastating than just leaving the situation alone altogether. Christina Porath of the Harvard Business Review states, “I’ve found that more than 85% of people who chose to avoid or confront perpetrators were unsatisfied with how the situation ended or how they handled it, and those who attempted confrontation were no more satisfied than those who didn’t respond,” (Porath). One should stop and think before reacting yet, as people speak they tend to lose the ability to control their tongue due to high levels of …show more content…

The lack of ethics behind this is mind blowing, how could one be so thoughtless that whatever pops into their brain flows out of their mouth. Angla Mollard with the Northern Territory News may very well be on to something with this statement: “If we’re going to prevent a global epidemic of incivility then we either need a new generation of Nelson Mandelas, or we must formulate an effective vaccine.” (Mollard). Rude behaviors and verbal abuse to others is a growing epidemic that needs to be quarantined. The unjust treatment can be seen throughout society. With that said, the old motto, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is a call to be decent and considerate.”(Shepherd). This message needs to be returned to our minds simply to be more considerate of others and

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