Is NASA Worth Living For?

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NASA recently announced that they discovered a new planet that is plausible for inhabitation. The Kepler-452b, a planet that is somehow identical to our planet, is one of the planets that NASA think could possible replace earth. Some of them even called this planet “Earth 2.0”.
Now this is not your usual achievement since it’s something that could alter our future. And yes, it’s just one of the things that NASA is really proud off. Like seriously, this is a 2nd Earth that we are talking about!
How about you? Have you achieved something recently? Or if you did achieve something, is it worth knowing? Is it worth complimenting?
For some, achieving something is not as easy as it is. Believe it or not, some people think they can’t achieve something …show more content…

But is it really worth trying? Is going through boundaries worth living for?
To all the people who just lost hope, let me tell you something.
Did you know that NASA almost failed to meet the deadline of the well-known Space Race? Did you know that NASA almost lost a lot of good people before achieving the first ever “man lands on moon” event?
So did NASA give up? Did those failures became fears that might hinder them in achieving something? I think not.
Just like the Keplar-452b, there’s something out there that’s just waiting for your initiative to achieve. You just have to find it somewhere in your hearts and minds.
And take note, NASA’s Kepler discovery is a thing that not only them should be proud of. It’s a thing that we should all be proud of! Discovering a planet that’s plausible for inhabitation is mankind’s achievement!
So yes, that achievement of your will not only be yours alone. Everyone important to you will be honored with your achievement.
For someone to achieve something, he/she should have these 3.
Enthusiasm - Enthusiasm means that you are eager to try a lot of things in life and you want to test yourself in surpassing what others think about

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