Pioneering Space
"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Those words, spoken by Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon, have passed into history. Their emotional delivery, their meaning, and the historically monumental event they commemorate make them some of the most famous words ever spoken. Anyone who was old enough to remember the time can probably remember exactly where he or she was and what he or she was doing when man first walked on the moon. Along with the inscription on the plaque placed at the point of the landing ("we came in peace for all mankind"), Armstrong's words are often enough to bring tears to the eyes of nearly every American and indeed much of the world. As great an accomplishment as man's landing on the moon is, however, there are other momentous events that often seem forgotten in the glare of celebrity afforded to the space program's manned missions.
How many people can remember where they were when the first man-made object left the bounds of our solar system? How many people can even remember what that object was? It was the Pioneer X spacecraft, and it left the solar system in mid-1987 without much fanfare. Think of it, the first object from earth that has broken through the realm of our solar system went relatively unnoticed. In terms of our position in the vastness of space, the walk on the moon was a trip to the house next door; Pioneer left our neighborhood completely to search for the answers to some of our most basic questions about the origins and nature of the universe. It carried with it a plaque to announce our existence and position in the galaxy to any alien civilization who found it. In the grand scheme of things the Pioneer X and XI de...
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...ght is what keeps the program in the public eye in the first place. Thus, while the administration may focus a somewhat larger portion of their funding toward unmanned exploration, the real reason for NASA as a public entity is so Americans and the world can watch with some measure of their old fascination the spectacle of human beings stepping beyond their earthly cribs into the cosmic playground.
Works Cited
Chaikin, Andrew. A Man on the Moon, New York: Penguin, 1994.
Gatland, Kenneth. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Space Technology. New York: Salamander, 1989.
Launius, Roger D. Frontiers of Space Exploration. Westport, CN: Greenwood, 1998.
Muckley, Ed. personal interview. Canton, OH. 31 Oct. 1998.
Osman, Tony. Space History. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983.
Yenne, Bill. The Encyclopedia of U.S. Spacecraft. New York: Bison, 1985.
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations website, psychopathy has been described as the single most important clinical construct in the criminal justice system. It goes on to say that the need to understand psychopathy cannot be overstated (FBI, 2013.) From environmental influence to biology, psychopathy can be looked at from several different angles. This paper examines current thinking about how the brain and its structures contribute to psychopathy.
President Kennedy has shown the commitment, justified the struggles, and now developed the need in every listener’s mind why America needs to be the first country to land a person on the moon. Looking back, he obviously succeeded. His speech was the major turning point in making the move happen, and rhetorical questions, allusions, and repetition all played an important role in making the speech so persuasive and inspiring.
To begin with, the purpose of the first experiment was to uncover which brain areas are associated with abnormal emotional processing and the subsequent disturbed social interactions that follow. The total amount of participants after excluding 2 due to artifacts was 12 right handed males. The control group was composed of 6 healthy males who had no history of neuropsychiatric problems, a mean age of 28.8, and standard deviation of 4.14. The experimental group was composed of 6 psychopathic individuals who were convicted criminals and taken from a high security psychiatric ward with a mean age of 33, and a standard deviation of 8. The researchers measured psychopathy by using the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R [that measured psychopathy on a scale of 0-40]). They used the Positive and Negative Affect schedule (PANAS) to assess global affect states before conducting the experim...
The issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation and the passage of the 13th amendment are two of Lincoln’s most influential documents enacted during his presidency. The Emancipation Proclamation “...declared over three million slaves in the rebel states of the Confederacy to be ‘thenceforward and forever free’...”(Guelzo). This action eventually took the country to the final abolition of slavery when the 13th amendment was introduced, declaring: “Neither slavery
Ogloff, J. R. (2006). Psychopathy/antisocial personality disorder conundrum. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, (40), 519-528.
Johnson, Michael, and Allen C. Guelzo. “Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation: The End of Slavery in America.” Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association. Michigan Publishing, n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.
Out of all the documents signed throughout history in attempt to benefit our country, Abraham Lincoln felt that his document, Emancipation Proclamation, was most important. On January 1, 1763, approaching the third year of the very bloody civil war, President Abraham Lincoln released the Proclamation which declared “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious states, “ are, and henceforward shall be free”(U.S National Archives & Records Administration). However, this only applied to the states that had been labeled as being rebellion, not to the slaveholding border states of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, and the areas that the Confederacy had already come under the Union Control. Abraham Lincoln released the document at the right time to ensure that it would make a positive impact and change completely, the aim of the war. To this day, the Emancipation Proclamation shows an example of equality and cognizance (Weider History Group, n.p).
Surely there must be something wrong with someone who is extremely violent, or hurts individuals in ways our society will not allow. There are few things more repellent to 'human nature' and morality than the concept of a serial killer. What is different about the brains of these individuals whom our society finds unforgivable and unredeemable predators? Society might find a biological reason for such atrocities more comfortable than the prospects of 'good and evil' or a mistake. This paper will catalogue and attempt to organize the current biological differences between our minds and that of a serial killer.
Psychopathy is a personality disorder whose core diagnostic features include increased fearlessness, shallow affect, callousness, and poor behavioral inhibition. The actions of psychopaths often come at a large cost to society and its citizens, and their empathetic deficit is one of the reasons psychopaths can be so efficiently destructive in many people’s lives. The importance of understanding this deficit cannot be over-asserted. If psychopathic empathetic deficit can be understood, treatment would likely not only expand in variety but in effectiveness. Thus, this research may provide a possible remedy to a costly societal problem due not only the actions of criminal psychopaths but criminal offenders in general . However, the neural mechanism behind this empathetic deficit is still poorly understood. One common hypothesis to explain empathetic deficit is an inability to process emotional stimuli, especially expressive faces, in psychopaths.
middle of paper ... ... NASA Marshall. Marshall: Launching the Future of Science and Exploration. 15 February 2010>. NASA Public Affairs.
A psychopath is someone who is unable to live harmoniously in society due to their profound lack of compassion, empathy, conscience, and remorse (Hare, 1993). Many psychopathic symptoms have been proposed to result from cognitive and emotional processing impairments. The concept of a psychopath is often of a ruthless and dangerous criminal, an image commonly depicted in the media and film. Though psychopaths do make up an estimated 40% of dangerous offenders in Canada, it is the non-violent manipulators and cheaters, like white-collar criminals and unethical business people, who can have the most impact on the general population (Bonta & Motiuk; 1996, Hare, 1993). Therefore, understanding the cognitive bases and development of psychopathy can allow exploration into possible interventions and treatments, as well as identifying measures for use in diagnosing psychopathy in childhood and adolescence. Additionally, the deciphering of abnormal processes can give insight into normal functioning, thus helping to expand current knowledge. This paper reviews conclusions that processing of
Developing depression in later life is not a normal part of the aging but is a treatable illness just like any other physical malady. It is however often difficult to recognize in older patients. This could be because symptoms often present similar to those of dementia (Aldrich & CDC, 2013) or because of the stigma associated with having a mental illness. The older adult population in today’s society was reared in a time when mental illness was not recognized as a “biological disorder and medical illness” (Geriatric Mental Health Foundatio...
Depression is among the risk factors affecting many people especially the elderly in the U.S. Depression leads to mental illness among the elderly in addition to other negative effects of depression are failure of body functionality, high health care costs, poor quality of life and unfavorable health outcomes. Currently, the population of the citizens aged 65 and above is at least 12 percent in America. The population is expected to grow to one-fifth by the years 2030. The projected population growth among the elderly requires a lot of attention since mental problems resulting from depression are likely to increase as well. Although depression affect many elderly people, it remains under-treated and under-recognized in the country (CDC, 2009).
“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” It was July 20 1969, the day that reshaped our nation and gave us unparalleled dreams for the future. The impact of the day goes far beyond our pride and nationalism; that day would change space exploration and technology forever. Just like a shooting star, that day would give us a glimpse of hope. A chance to see an event so breathtaking and defying, it would be man’s greatest accomplishment in the 20th century. As millions of people watched from their TV sets, a rush of euphoria came over the nation as Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the surface of the moon. It was the first time in the history of mankind that we would step on the surface of another celestial body. John F. Kennedy dared us to dream, he inspired the nation to reach for the moon, to set ourselves apart from the rest of the world. The Space Race was symbolic of many things. Our future as the technically dominate nation was secured in place; just as secure as Old Glory would be, when she was driven down into the soil of the moon. We not only reached the moon, we conquered it as a nation; united.
It is seen and proven that private school environments lead to higher academic success. And I will show this to you today by comparing statistics of private vs. public schools.