Is Macbeth Relevant Today

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“When you durst do it, then you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man.” Through his archaic language, Shakespeare conveys the concepts of masculinity and guilty conscience as Macbeth conflicts with himself. These key ideas within Macbeth are both provocative and intriguing as the tragedy connects with the audience, making it even more captivating and engaging. Despite being composed in the 1600’s, Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth, is still relevant today due to its durable and relatable themes as there is a peculiar intimacy between the play and its audience. As stated in the audio, the well-crafted piece connects to its readers as Shakespeare dramatizes Macbeths horror in prospect of killing Duncan. …show more content…

Upon committing regicide, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are consumed by the negative emotion and are faced with the consequences after disrupting the natural order. A recurring motif of hallucinations and visions are evident in Macbeth as Lady Macbeth desperately exclaims “Out, damned spot; out, I say... The blood that stains her hand is a symbolic representation of her guilty conscience as she is aware of the wrong that she has committed and attempted to disguise. Furthermore, her inability to remove the stain shows that there is no way to undo or repent for the treacherous crime. Similarly, Macbeth who was the cause of Banquo’s death is overwhelmed by guilt in Act 3 with the manifestation of Banquo’s ghost as evidence. Being devastated with fear by the presence of the ghost, Macbeth hints at his crimes “Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake thy gory locks at me.” Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are driven to madness as the visions drawn from their guilty conscience shows that there is no way for them to relinquish the fruits of crime or to advance from remorse to repentance. With guilt being such a common emotion, the play becomes an enduring inspiration for both writers and directors as surely everyone has heavily regretted a decision that they can still remember till this

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