Today's Macbeth Is Not Relevant To Modern Audience

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The storyline of Macbeth is not relevant to modern audiences. It is about a man (Macbeth) who has the ambition to be king, in the beginning Macbeth is a little unprepared and his wife (Lady Macbeth) is ruthless. The language and setting of this play is irrelevant because castles and this language are not seen in today’s society. An example of the language shown in this play is found in Act 1, Scene 2 where Macbeth is saying ‘rest easy in the meantime’ but he says “Good repose the while”. The story line of Macbeth is not relevant to modern audiences because people prefer movies and books that reflect on the current world.

The theme of Macbeth is ambition and guilt. It is relevant to modern audiences because it is still seen in

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