Comparing Macbeth Relevant To Today's Society

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“Macbeth” play ideas that are relevant to Contemporary Society

The play written by William Shakespeare called “Macbeth” covers various themes through out the play. One of the many themes from the play is guilt is a strong behaviour. The key topics from the play are moral behaviour, loyalty, social distinction, revenge, witches. These ideas are applicable in our today’s society. The way of these ideas may be used differently in today’s society but follows the idea. In today’s society people react in a different manner from the “Macbeth” play but has the same idea about reacting to others. Some of the key ideas that the play contains can be compared to our today’s society. The way of reacting to these key ideas will be compared from the “Macbeth” …show more content…

A part from the play in which the Lady Macbeth and Macbeth both get guilt feelings is on the death of King Duncan. Even before the death of King Duncan Lady Macbeth was rejected to kill Duncan by herself as she gave reasons that when King Duncan is Sleeping he looks a bit like her father and she doesn’t want to kill him. Macbeth seems deeply shocked that he could not utter the name of God when as a fallen man, a vile killer, he had 'most need of blessing'. His tormented conscience unveils itself in the form of delirious ravings. The sort of guilt behaviour could be compared to our today’s society as humans in today’s society do have guilt feelings after the cruel. The behaviour touches the person who has been cruel and has guilt feelings about it. The feeling of the guilt behaviour makes them feel sad and try very hard to change the situation back to normal so they don’t have that guilty feeling about the cruel things that they have done. The guilt behaviour in today’s society can happen in our day-to-day life with our family. One of the quote for the book related to guilt behaviour is “O, Full of scorpions is my mind” Act3 scene 2 Line 30. This quote shows the horror of Macbeth’s mental …show more content…

The key topics from the play that were included were moral behaviour, loyalty, social distinction, revenge, witches. The ideas in “Macbeth have been described very descriptively by author by describing the emotions of the characters, related to the key ideas of the play. One of the main idea from the play is guilt which is a powerful emotion and that has been derived from the main characters of the play. In this essay this behaviour has been compared to the guilt behaviour in today’s contemporary society. Other key ideas that has been expressed which is appealing to audience is the quest for revenge which is also also compared and descried the ways the revenge are taken in today’s contemporary society. Last key idea which is important that is mentioned in the “Macbeth” play which is loyal behaviour. This idea has been compared to our today’s contemporary society and in the essay it has been explained about the loyal behaviour importance in today’s world nationally and internationally. In conclusion, many key ideas have been described in “Macbeth” play that can be compared in various ways to today’s contemporary

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