Is Individuality Better Than Conformity?

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“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” These wise words from Ralph Waldo Emerson nicely sum up why individuality is better than conformity. Stepping out of your comfort zone and being a leader amongst a world of followers is an incredible achievement. Individuality is extremely important because it allows society to grow and promotes creativity. Without individuality, society would not continue to grow as it does now, nor would it be at the advanced state we are currently in. Modern day think tanks are an excellent example of this. A think tank is a body of experts providing advice and ideas on specific political or economic problems ( Basically, a …show more content…

Born April of 1930, painter, architect, and set designer Anatole Krasnyansky is a great example of the creativity that being an individualist can bring. While living in the U.S.S.R., Krasnyansky received his master’s degree in fine art and architecture ( He soon realized though, that the freedom of expression he needed for his art could not be found in the Soviet Union. Working as an architect, Krasnyansky was only allowed to paint the structures he built, as that was all his employer granted. However, as soon as he moved to the United States, a place where his individuality was embraced, he found success in a new watercolor technique he created himself ( The ability to act as an individual allowed Krasnyansky to grow in his skills and broaden his …show more content…

This denial did not discourage them, however, it actually boosted their determination and inspiration, ultimately bringing even more attention to themselves and becoming the best-selling music group in history. Their individuality allowed them to defy rejection and expand their creativity, opening them up to a world of new and incredible opportunities. Much earlier, in 1903, creator of the Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford used his individualism to creatively meet the overwhelming demand for his new revolutionary vehicle, the horseless carriage. Ford introduced large production plants and, in 1913, the world’s first moving assembly line for cars ( Growing up, he was often outspoken and criticized for his anti-semitic views and writings ( but didn’t let that stop him from becoming the unique individual he was and completely advancing the world of industry and factory

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