Is Divorce Justified Essay

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A husband and wife have been married for over 12 years. For the past year he has been cheating on her on and off. He is emotionally and verbally abusive towards her and she fears that he will take it farther. She is contemplating getting a divorce but she fears the judgment of others and the reputation that may follow. She also has two children who would be affected by a divorce. Unfortunately, many couples contemplate a divorce because of certain circumstances but do not because they do not want to be judged. While marriage is a sacred and legal commitment, divorce may be a reasonable option under certain circumstances.

Historical Background/Information on Divorce Centuries ago, nearly every nation in the world did not allow divorce …show more content…

Divorce is acceptable when the husband or wife continually commits adultery and does not change their behavior. Also, if one of them is abusive towards them or their children, whether it is emotional or physical hurt, divorce may be justified. If somebody in the marriage is addicted to drugs or alcohol and it causes harm to other people and they refuse to get help, divorce should also be considered. Unfortunately, some time ago divorce was only granted if there was proof of adultery, abuse, or addictions. This was unfortunate for those who did not have proof but knew what was going on. Proof or evidence was usually based upon gossip and only obtained by a man with high status in his community. Divorce is now a means of equality and a way to end abuse and unacceptable …show more content…

Forty-nine percent of divorced people from Elizabeth Bernstein 's study stated that when they were married, they argued over money more than anything else. Many people believe there will be a money problem in their next marriage because of different spending styles, lying about what they are spending money on, and one person making more money than the other and trying to control them because of it (Bernstein, 2012). When someone is bullied or overpowered because they do not make as much money as their spouse, there will be high conflict. It is not okay for someone to look down upon their spouse in any circumstance. A report done by has found that one in ten people admit to having a secret credit card. A spouse’s spending has also played a huge role in their divorce. Also, the British price, as reported by Huffpost Divorce, polled 1,000 men and women and discovered that thirty-six percent of those polled did not tell their spouse about their purchases or spending because they knew their spouse would have been angry or they would have disapproved. This is definitely not the first time a study has found a connection between divorce and financial disputes ("Huffpost Divorce",

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