Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)

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Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)


Probably the most logical explanation is that there has been a conflict that is decades old, that comes from, religious differences to territorial and power ambitions. This war is a war that is not going to stop until both countries solve their internal affairs, because the historical background that this two countries have is not an easy one. I think that the only way to fully achieve peace between these two countries is, for them to come to an agreement regarding the territories, and another one to respect each other’s religions.


Both countries wanted to have a certain peace of land that had an important role on the trading and pass for both countries, and also the fact that they had different ideas, religions, and political ideas, took these two countries to a war that was cruel and that lasted 8 years.

Social science applicable to the problem

We could use, politics, psychology, and anthropology.

Delimited problem

We could focus on the problem that the people from Iran have by having a leader like Ayatollah Khomeini who is a fanatic, and a crazy man. Good politician, but a cruel and rigorous leader.

3 Different points of view

From the side of the Iraqis:
They perceived revolutionary Iran’s Islamic agenda as threatening to their pan-Arabism.

From the point of view of the Iranians:
Khomeini, bitter over his expulsion from Iraq in 1977 after fifteen years in An Najaf, vowed to avenge Shia victims of Baathi...

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