Secretary Essays

  • The Duties Of A Secretary

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    The Duties of A Secretary When we enter a law office the first individual we meet is the legal secretary. She is the one withe responsibility for the correspondence, records, and other affairs of office. The word “secretary” reflects its Latin root secretum (secret), which originally referred to a person who acted as a confidant, and handled matters of a private nature for his principal. The executive position or executive secretary is one of major responsibility in business or government

  • Analysis Of Abd Al-Hamid Letter To The Secretaries

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    Primary Source Analysis: Abd al-Hamid, Letter to the Secretaries (before 750) Abd al-Hamid is often considered as the foremost writer of the Umayyad period. He produced numerous letters on topics ranging from advice to rulers and kings, codes of conduct, treatment of non-Arab subjects, to friendship. Although much of his work has been lost, a number of them were later incorporated into the works of later writers. His Letter to the Secretaries is a classic example, having been quoted and preserved

  • The Madam Secretary

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    Politics and the word “exciting” being used in the same sentence is an oxymoron for most. But the CBS show Madam Secretary, shatters that assumption. The show is based on the life of a “rogue” Secretary of State, Elizabeth (Bes) McCord which is played by Tia Leoni. She has been appointed to the Secretary of State position just after the previous Secretary of State dies in a mysterious plane crash. The pilot episode begins with President Conrad Dalton pulling up to her private ranch house asking his

  • Ethics Reflection

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    saved. One person is Dr. Rutland, a world-renowned pioneer in treating suicidal-depressives. The medication he has developed has helped thousands of patients already, and when perfected, will save many more. The other individual is Dr. Rutland’s secretary. Being that only one person is to survive, who should be saved? In order to decide what the moral or ethical decision would be in this situation, one may look the utilitarian philosophy of Mill. According to Mill, The theory of morality- that pleasure

  • The Election of 1824

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    William Crawford, Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson. They were all from the Jacksonian Republican Party. William H. Crawford was very experienced in politics. Before running for president in 1824, he was James Monroe’s secretary of war and he was also secretary of treasury under Monroe and James Madison. He also served in congress as an U.S. Senator from Georgia. He was a minister to France from 1813 thru 1815. Prior to the election of 1824, Crawford had a stroke and was nearly blinded

  • Project for the New American Century

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    associated with the PNAC are as follows: * Dick Cheney: a PNAC founder, Vice President * Donald Rumsfeld: a PNAC founder, Secretary of Defense * Paul Wolfowitz: Deputy Secretary of Defense * Elliott Abrams: NSC representative for Middle Eastern Affairs, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center * Richard Armitage: Deputy Secretary of State * John Bolton: Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Affairs * Seth Cropsey: Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau (Voice

  • SNCC: The Role Of Women In The Civil Rights Movement

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    When we hear of SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) we think of students who played an important role in the committee. Ella Baker helped students form this organization at Shaw University in 1960. SNCC grew into a very large organization in the North with many people that supported. As the organization grew larger, women, particularly African American women, began to have a voice. “The civil rights movement could never have succeeded without the extraordinary creativity and courage

  • The Current State of the U.S. Economy

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    late to prevent the return of widespread inflation. Ideally the economy should move ahead gradually and grow at a steady manageable rate. Mae West once stated “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful” and it seems the U.S. Treasury Secretary agrees. The Secretary announced that due to our increasing surplus and booming economy, instead of having an outsized tax cut, we should use the surplus to further pay down the national debt. A tax cut, though most Americans would favor it initially, would

  • surgeon general

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    Supervising Surgeon General and then back to just Surgeon General in 1902. According to Funk and Wagnall’s New Encyclopedia the Surgeon General was the head of the Public Health System and reported directly to the Secretary of Health. After 1968 the Surgeon General reported to the Assistant Secretary of Health. The current Surgeon General for the United States is Dr. David Satcher. He was born in Anniston, Alabama on March second 1941. Dr. Satcher, his wife Nola, and his four children live in Bethesda, Maryland

  • Analysis of the Television Show, Girlfriends

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    Lin. Some of the topics which they talk about include marrige, finnancial problems, legal issues, children, and fashion. Jone is a highly known attourney, Mya is Jone's secretary, Tony is a real estate agent, and Lin is a free soul. In the show Tony and Jone are having relationship problems, and Mya is envious of the new secretary that Jone has because she misses the relationship that her and Jone use to have between each other. Mya also loves the gossip in which her and Jone used to share, they share

  • Dollar Diplomacy

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    the United States later used the doctrine to justify paternalism and intervention. This posed a quandary for the Latin Americans, since a United States strong enough to protect them from Europe was also strong enough to pose a threat itself. When Secretary of State James G. Blaine hosted the first Pan-American Conference in 1889, Argentina proposed the Calvo Doctrine asking all parties to renounce special privileges in other states. The United States refused. After the Spanish-American War in 1898

  • The United States Contribution to the Rise of Pinochet

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    torture and jailing of tens of thousands more. What might be even more shocking though, is that the United States had a direct contribution to this brutal dictators rise. The United States’ fear of communist nations developing and the ignorance of secretary of state Kissinger to mention the human rights abuses that Pinochet was responsible for, allowed for the United States to assist in the brutal tyranny (Kornbluh 2003, pages 19-22). The United States dire fight to end communism caused them to severely

  • ISFJ Personality Profile: Personality Profile

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    work in prisons, schools, or serve in the military. The next occupation that I chose was secretaries and administrative assistant. This occupation, interest me because I 'm already an administrative assistant, and I wanted to see the quick facts about it. The quick facts about this occupation are that the median pay is 35,330 per year. The entry-level, education that a worker needs to become a secretary or administrative assistant is a high school diploma or

  • Administrative Assistant Career

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    Introduction A high school diploma, good typing and word processing skills will gradually get you to your suited job: as Administrative Assistant ( March 25 2004). An Administrative Assistant can be categorized into two types: One that may work in an educative environment or one that may work for a business in an office. An Administrative Assistant that may work in an educative environment

  • The Role of Computers in the Criminal Justice Field

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    was used in a fire such as: gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, or if the fire just accidentally happened. Computers are used at traffic stops. The officer can find the vehicle identification number (VIN) and calls the number in to the secretary and the secretary lets the responding officer know whether or not the vehicle belongs to the driver of the car, to make sure the vehicle isn’t stolen. If the car is stolen the officer car arrest the person right then. The use of computers by officers

  • History Atomic Bomb Essay

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    the end of American involvement in World War II. By 1946 the two bombs caused the death of perhaps as many as 240,000 Japanese citizens1. The popular, or traditional, view that dominated the 1950s and 60s – put forth by President Harry Truman and Secretary of War Henry Stimson – was that the dropping of the bomb was a diplomatic maneuver aimed at intimating and gaining the upper hand in relations with Russia. Today, fifty-four years after the two bombings, with the advantage of historical hindsight

  • Hamilton And Jefferson Debates

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    Compare and contrast the Hamilton and Jefferson debates. What was the conflict? Hamilton and Jefferson were both appointed to Washington's cabinet. Hamilton was the secretary of the treasury and Jefferson became the secretary of state. Creating a cabinet was only one of several precedents set by Washington in areas where the Constituton was silent or unclear. Hamilton and Jefferson had very different opinions. This undoubtedly caused them to debate heavily during the times they served this position

  • Comparing Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians

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    Comparing Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians The Washington administration was the first to bring together in the cabinet of the United States, the Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and the Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton. Jefferson and Hamilton began to take different views when the government began to address the issue of the old war debts and the worthless paper money left over from the days of the Confederation. Hamilton suggested that the government should create

  • The Anaconda Plan

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    from Virginia to Mexico and up the Mississippi from New Orleans to New Madrid Bend. And the Anaconda Plan could only succeed over time: the South would not starve overnight, so patience was an essential part of Scott's strategy. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, USA From the Collections of The Mariners' Museum By adopting the Anaconda Plan, Lincoln ran the risk of committing diplomatic suicide. Sin...

  • Martians Go Home!

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    the "Stage World". Martians : Martians in politics and power U.S. Government - Executive Branch Dick Cheney (U.S. Vice-President, former Secretary of Defense) Al Gore (U.S. Vice-President, 1992-2000) Warren Christopher (U.S. Secretary of State, 1993-1996) William Cohen (U.S. Secretary of Defense, Clinton Administration) Henry Kissinger (U.S. Secretary of State, Nixon Administration) Anthony Lake (U.S. national security advisor, 1993-1996) Richard Holbrooke (U.S. Representative to the U.N