Investigating the Effect of Sucrose Concentration on the Conversion into Glucose and Fructose by Invertase

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Investigating the Effect of Sucrose Concentration on the Conversion into Glucose and Fructose by Invertase Prediction ========== I would expect to find that an increase of sucrose concentration would lower the time taken for the clinistix to turn blue from red, or said in other words, the rate of reaction would increase with an increase of substrate concentration until a certain point where maximum rate of reaction will be reached. Higher concentration of sucrose has more molecules inside it therefore it is more likely that a collision will take place, molecules must collide in order to react. This means that a reaction is more likely to take place in a shorter time, making the rate of reaction quicker until it reaches the maximum rate of reaction, where increase in substrate concentration would not increase the reaction rate because at this point all the active sites are full. (1) Analysing Evidence By looking at my graph showing the Average Time Taken (s) for the clinistix to turn blue against Sucrose concentration (%), I can say that the general trend seems to be that as the sucrose concentration increases, the average time taken for the clinistix to turn blue, decreases. This is shown on my graph by a linear relationship that goes down (negative correlation). But for more detailed interpretation I will concentrate on my second graph, which shows the Rate of Reaction against Sucrose Concentration: Between 0.5% and 1%, there is a big increase in the reaction rate, as concentration is doubled. There are more substrate molecules and therefore there is higher probability of substrate molecules to bump into t... ... middle of paper ... ...eason for my uncertainty might have been because I’ve used different clinistix from the ones I used before. The result at 4 % I don’t consider as a big anomaly, as it did not affect the average results. References: 1) 2) Www.ntri.tamuk.eduk/cells/enzyme2.html 3) Janet L. Hopson and Norman K. Wessells (1990) Essentials of Biology- International Edition 4) Ann Fullick (1994), Biology (Heinemann Advanced Science). Heinemann Educational Publishers (Oxford) Ltd. 5) 6) N.P.O Green et al, (1990) Biological Science-Organisms, Energy and Environment, Second edition. Published by the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge. 7) 45_invertase.htm

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