Investigating Potatoes

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Investigating Potatoes Introduction

In this scientific investigation I am researching what has happened to

Mr Davies's potatoes. During the winter storms a few years ago a sea

wall protecting Mr Davies's potatoes was breached causing his land to


Mr Davies's is now worrying about his crop as it's producing a poor

quality and low yield. I intend to explain to Mr Davies via the use of

experiments what has happened to his potatoes.

Before starting any experiments I shall give my prediction on the



I believe that at the time of the flood the water table of his land

was contaminated with seawater. This has increased the salt content in

the soil and water table and will cause low quality and low cropping

unless it's treated.

Plan for experiment

The objective of my experiment is to find out the relationship of

growth in the mass of potatoes with the concentration of salt in its

surrounding water.

I think that I should be able to show that too high a concentration of

salt in the water will reduce the growth of the potato. This

phenomenon can be explained by osmosis.

All matter is made of particles and all particles have kinetic energy

(movement) it is a scientific fact that these particles will move from

areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration until they

are evenly distributed this is called diffusion.

[IMAGE][IMAGE] = Particles







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