Investigating How Changing Variables in an Experiment Affects the Rate of Reaction

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Investigating How Changing Variables in an Experiment Affects the Rate of Reaction

The title of my investigation is FIZZY CHIPS. I will be investigating

how changing variables in an experiment effects the rate of reaction.

I will do this by observing a reaction between marble chips and

hydrochloric acid. There are many variables, which will affect this

experiment. The variable I will be changing is the amount of chips. To

make this a fair test I must keep the other variables the same right

thought the experiment.




Concentration of acid


Size of chips


Temperature of experiment



How I will keep it constant throughout the test

Use acid from the same container and if I use another container check

that it is of the same concentration (?molar)

In my experiment I have a choice of small or large chips.

Alternatively I could crush some chips making them smaller. Once I

have decided what size chips I I'm going to use I will keep the same

size throughout

To keep the same temperature levels in my experiment I will make sure

that I conduct my test in the same place each time and that I avoid

direct sunlight or drafts around my experiment.

If I was to change the container this would have effects on how the

particles were moving and colliding. For this reason I will conduct

all my tests in the same sort of flask

Text Box: Prediction I predict that as I increase the amount of chips the rate of reaction will increase because as the nuber of chips increases so does the surface area. Collision theory tells us that if the surface area of one of the reactants is increased then the reaction will speed up. This is because the acid particles have greater surface area to react with. This in turn means more carbon dioxide is produced.

Preliminary Results


Before I decided on a method I carried out some preliminary

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