Finding Out the Effect of Hydrochloric Acid on Its Reaction Time with Calcium Carbonate

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Finding Out the Effect of Hydrochloric Acid on Its Reaction Time with Calcium Carbonate

Aim: To Find out if the concentration of Hydrochloric acid effects its

reaction time with calcium carbonate

Hypothesis:The reaction I am going to be investigating is

[IMAGE]Calcium Carbonate + Hydrochloric Acid Calcium Chloride + Carbon

Dioxide + Water

[IMAGE]CaCO3(S) + 2HCL(aq) CaCl2(AQ) + CO2(g) + H2O

I predict that an increase in the concentration of Hydrochloric acid

will result in an increase in the speed of the rate of reaction it has

with Calcium Carbonate. I also think that when you double the

concentration you will double the rate of reaction. I believe this

because my Preliminary work shows that 2.0 molar is a fast reaction so

this means that the bigger the concentration of Hydrochloric acid the

quicker the reaction time will be. It also shows that when you double

the concentration you double the rate of reaction, but that could just

be coincidence.

I think this because a reaction happens when something collides( in

this case) . Hydrochloric acid has large particles what collide with

the Calcium carbonate. This creates the reaction.( see diagram below)

When you increase the amount of acid particles in the liquid the more

likely it is to collide and the quicker the reaction will be

You can see that in diagram A there are few particles and less chance

of a collision between the particles and the calcium carbonate taking

place. In diagram B there are more particles so there is a higher

chance of a collision taking place between the particles and the

calcium carbonate, its just logic. If the concentration of

Hydrochloric Acid doubled I would expect that the rate of reaction

will also double as there are twice as many particles to collide with

the calcium carbonate so it should ½ the time of the reaction.


· Concentrations ( 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75) (Hydrochloric Acid)

· Marble ( Calcium Carbonate)( medium sized chips)

· 25cm3 cylinder

· 100cm3 cylinder

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