Inventions During The Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution began to take place during the mid-1700s which enhanced the lives of people from all over the world. This revolutionary period allowed many inventors to develop new machines and tools that made the production of goods rapidly increase. Alongside, new methods of transportation gave people the ability to visit their friends and families more often. Industrialized nations were able to further advance in technology due to the many inventions which eventually has led us to the technology that we have today. From this industrialized revolution, population increased dramatically, workers dealt with poor working conditions for a period of time, and technology began to evolve greatly. These new modifications during this period …show more content…

These advances would not have been possible without the Industrial Age. From as simple as Tull’s “[invention of] a new mechanical device, the seed drill” to the “power-driven machines to mass-produce goods” (Ellis 2007, pg. 171,199). Tull’s invention of the seed drill allowed farmers to utilize their seeds properly instead of ‘scattering them wastefully over the land” (Ellis 2007, pg. 171). Eventually, more food would be produced due to proper farming techniques allowing the population to gain an increase of food supply. Therefore, death rates due to starvation are lowered since people are able to receive more food. Also, scientists improved medicines to help fight and cure diseases. Scientists such as Pasteur “clearly [showed] the link between microbes and disease” and “[developed] vaccines against rabies and anthrax” which are two huge contributions to medicine during his time (Ellis 2007, pg. 203). Not only improvement in medicine, but Lister’s discovery of antiseptics “drastically reduced deaths from infection” (Ellis 2007, pg. 204). Surgery was now able to be performed without obtaining an infection afterwards. Infection death rates decreased along with deaths from diseases. Because of this an explosion in population was made possible from just these few …show more content…

Watt improved Newcomen’s steam engine “to make it more efficient” in 1712 (Ellis 2007, pg. 173). The idea of utilizing coal to produce energy “opened the door not only to operating machinery but eventually to powering locomotives and steamships” (Ellis 2007, pg. 171). Transportation advances rapidly in the late 1800’s when the combustion engine is used to power automobiles. Technology takes a step further by making “the internal combustion engine [possible for] pilot-controlled flight” (Ellis 2007, pg. 200). New transportation methods are introduced allowing people to visit other places in the world. Not only transportation advances, but communication was made possible through the discovery of a new power source, electricity. The telephone later made its way into world in 1876 through the evolution of telegraphs. Technological advances made transportation and communication in the Industrial Age more convenient and

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