Interview On Religion

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My interview explored both the views of my father and I. My father’s religious upbringing was another focus of this interview. Throughout my interview I came to realize things about religion and spirituality. Religion is a very important aspect of my dad’s life and sometimes mine as well. Another thing the conversation reaffirmed my belief that religion means different things to different people. These and other ideas came out of the interview. I was surprised to learn that in his youth my dad’s Reform congregation merged with a Conservative congregation. I had never heard of this happening before. This merging of congregation created a situation where my dad could experience two types of Judaism. If someone gets to experience multiple …show more content…

My dad and I currently have opposing views on G-d and the role he plays in the world. Part of Judaism is questioning your faith; Israel literally means to struggle with G-d. While I was growing up my dad always emphasized that it was okay to question beliefs and it is actually normal to think about your beliefs. When I look around at other religions, specifically Christianity, I see that you are not supposed to question a religions core tenet, which does not make any in sense. It is important to questions ones beliefs because you should not follow a religion solely on the fact that you were raised that way. You need to believe in the codes or principles of a religion or you are just blindly following it. The risk of just accepting something blindly is that you did not actually choose the path of your own volition. How do you apply morality towards a belief if do not question whether it is right or wrong? If you do not question the morality of a belief or action you could be following an immoral path. You are letting people tell you what is right or wrong. One example of this is when people commit acts of atrocities in the name of G-d/faith, such as the attacks on September 11th or all actions taken by ISIS. I feel the support of religions in questioning beliefs could deter some of these …show more content…

How we react to differing opinions illustrates whether or not we are serious about our search for the truth. To attack someone solely because they disagree, then to ignore them, to shout at them, and to place your own beliefs beyond question are all the characteristics of someone who is more interested in presenting themselves as someone righteous but who is afraid of the truth. To have a discourse that is calm and personable is how someone expresses they are genuinely cares about finding their personal

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