Dimensions Of Religion Essay

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1. What is religion and are there some dimensions that might help define it?
In order to organize themselves, people gathered around collection of beliefs. Those world views relate to them and they created a cultural system which we call religion.
1.1 Practices and rituals are something that all religions have, starting from prayers, offerings, pilgrimage, etc… For example, Sufi whirling in Islam is a form of customary dance, through which dervishes aim to reach the source of all perfection.
1.2 Prayer is present in majority of religions and it gives emotional dimension, because through it a person experiences something that has being normally hidden from human understanding.
1.3 Myths and stories handed down over aeons of time. For example - winter solstice has always been a 3 day event, when the Sun is at the lowest point, that inspired people to make stories such as story about the fight of Osiris and Seth, Resurrection of Jesus Christ, etc…
1.4 Doctrines and dogmas are very important in every religion, and in some cases they are the cause for schism. For example, different int...

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