Internal Combustion Engines

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Internal combustion engines gain repelling force by high pressure, which composed of combustion of the fuel in the combustion chamber. Depending on this repelling force ,piston starts to move and it supplies the engine power to the required mechanical elements so, runs the vehicle. This is the working principle of internal combustion engines. In other words, internal combustion engines are the machines, which turn fuel’s chemical energy before turning mechanical energy. Combustion occurs inside of the engine that is why, they are called Internal Combustion Engines. In an external combustion engine, combustion occurs outside of the engine.For example in thermal power stations combustion occurs in a steam boiler out of the steam turbine. With the transition of combustion chambers into the engines, automobile industry were developed and compact heat machines were produced. Nowadays electric engine automobiles are produced and launch to the market but, it seems hard to solve the energy storage problem. Batteries are very heavy, it takes long hours to charge and runs out in 160km. They are suitable for urban-use. It is possible to go more than 1000 km with a full tank gas internal combustion engine automobile, but it is not possible to go this much distance with electric engine cars. That’s is why ,bus, track or this kind of vehicles can not be worked with electric or batteried engine system. So, it INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE 2 is not so hard to predict that internal combustion engine automobiles will serve humanity for many years.The three more important aspects of internal combustion engines ... ... middle of paper ... ...d. Works Cited 1. (December 2006) ‘Benzinli Motorlar Tarihi’ (01.December 2013) 2. Prof.Dr. Uçar, V.(Agust, 2010) 'İçten Yanmalı Motorlarda Çalışma Prensibi', (02.December 2013) 3. MEHDİYEV R.,BAYKA D.,ARSLAN H.,GÜDÜ T.(October, 2005. Page 44) 'Düşük Emisyonlu ve Yüksek Verimli Yeni Bir Kademeli Dolgulu Benzin Motoru', Mühendis ve Makine, TMMOB Makine Mühendisleri Odası, (02.December 2013) 4. Yardım,Muzaffer Hakan,'MOTOR TEKNOLOJİSİ' İstanbul,Nobel Yayın Dağıtım,2012 (04.December 2013) 5. TC. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı,(2011)'MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJİSİ ‘ (05.December 2013) 6. GÜRBÜZ,Ü.(25. May,2008) 'DIESEL+LPG',SES TV ÖZEL’ (05.December 2013) 7. ERGENÇ A.,YAVAŞLIOL İ., (2010) 'Pompalı Tek Silindirli Dİzel Motorlar', (08.December 2013) 8. SAYGINER O. (November,2013) 'Dizel Motorlarda Turbo Sistemler', (15.December 2013)

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