Interdisciplinary Team Reflection

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After reading through the article, Ten Principles of Good Interdisciplinary Team Work, I felt like I was given a better understanding of how a proper interdisciplinary team works together as a unit in order to execute quality care to people in different types of settings on a daily basis. The conclusion that I was able to come to, was that in order to have a successful IDT in the workplace, it is important to have a diverse group of people come together with a common goal in mind. With the world of healthcare constantly changing, and patient care increasing in complexity, having a group of people come together with different backgrounds, knowledge and opinions can brings ideas and solutions to the table that would greatly benefit the patient rather than if just one individual was focusing on how to solve the issue alone. With that being said, it is also important to have a leadership role in a …show more content…

The most dominant type of suffering that I was feeling during that time was existential suffering. When hearing the diagnosis that I was terminally ill, and knowing the amount of time that I had left was very short, really put things into perspective. As we continued through the exercise and had to keep choosing things to eliminate from our lives as the disease progressed, it really opened my eyes to the reality of receiving a terminal diagnosis. I felt a lot of personal suffering, feeling hopeless and completely out of control with the situation at hand. I had no choice but to let go of things that I did not want to part with. The more items that were eliminated started to inflict social suffering in the activity. I had to remove things that I love to do, and love to do with others, however, the reality that with that type of disease you are unable to socialize regularly and lose people you love in the process was a difficult reality to

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