Intellectual Disability Nurse Communication Analysis

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The purpose of this essay is to discuss why good communication between nurses and patients/clients is essential for the successful outcome of individualized nursing care of each client.
The author will provide a commentary on nonverbal and verbal communication in intellectual Disability settings.
And also deliberate on how Listening, Empathy, Eye contact, touch, and interpersonal skill is important in communicating with person with Intellectual disability.


The word ‘care’ is very much associated with nursing profession, because Nurses are not only responsible to facilitate in curative care. However, they are also responsible to provide holistic care and healthy environment to promote patient recovery. (Nelson and Watson, 2011)

What is caring? Caring is feeling, showing concern and empathy for …show more content…

It also says that nurses should demonstrate the positive contributions they can make to people with learning disabilities, carers and the wider public, and that career frameworks should set out the knowledge and skills learning disability nurses require to meet the needs of people with intellectual disability and complex needs.

Caring is having genuine feelings and concern for others, and a belief in an individual’s worth (Watson 2007).

Having looked at the definition of caring and what caring means for Intellectual disability Nurses, the author have to discuss what communication is and why effective communication is important to intellectual Disability Nurses.

Communication is a central part of nursing practice. Communication is an essential part of all intervention in nursing practice, it is essential because nurses are able to communicate effectively. According to (Hagan, et al 2013) that the ---- of communication between nurses and clients has important influence on the client's

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