1.1. Presentación del trabajo fin de grado
El presente trabajo fin de grado (TFG) es una propuesta para la elaboración de un blog de aula que incluya, por un lado la selección de los recursos digitales disponibles en la red que contribuyan a conseguir los objetivos propuestos en nuestras unidades didácticas y por otro, un medio para desarrollar actividades atractivas que impliquen de una manera más activa a nuestro alumnado del primer ciclo de Educación Primaria. Pero para que los alumnos puedan utilizar las herramientas que nos ofrece la Web 2.0, es necesario que posean un nivel de competencia digital. Por este motivo, esta propuesta se centra en el análisis de las competencias digitales que debe desarrollar el alumnado, la evaluación de la los recursos digitales, la utilización de diferentes herramientas para el desarrollo de actividades más dinámicas… y todo ello, integrado en la web 2.0, a través del desarrollo de un blog implicado en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje.
1.2. Relevancia del tema elegido
Poco a poco las TIC se han ido incorporando al quehacer diario del aula. La mayoría de los centros educativos tienen aulas con pizarras digitales, aulas virtuales, miniportátiles y conexión a Internet. Es por eso que desde el aula podemos sumergimos, a través de la red, en todo un mundo de oportunidades de aprendizaje, de ahí que sea necesario que tanto los profesores como los alumnos tengamos un bagaje digital.
Una de las ventajas que ofrecen estos recursos digitales es que disponemos de nuevas aplicaciones web. Muchas de éstas son de uso libre y mejoran la comunicación entre los diferentes agentes implicados en la educación. El uso de estas aplicaciones web no exige que sea necesario tener una alfabetización digital av...
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Argues that we must do more to ensure that computers are fully integrated into all our schools. Suggestion that there is no limit to the possibilities of computers; Topic of distance learning; Ways that the Internet can make schools more effective; Call for schools to develop innovative budgeting to acquire the funds for te...
Expresionismo. (2014, 21 de febrero). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta: 04:16, febrero 23, 2014 desde http://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Expresionismo&oldid=72737426.
Technology forms the most vital element of life in the world today. Every aspect of our lives is dominated by technology and its importance in our lives is indispensable. One of the outstanding facts about technology use in schools is its controversial nature. There is no common agreement by stakeholders in technology and educations sectors about the use of technology in schools. There are two different factions, one supporting use of technology as a positive aspect, while the other faction disagrees, citing the detrimental effects of technology in students. However, the use of technology in classrooms catering for children continues to increase, as education develops more interesting ways of enhan...
Our world is changing gradually bringing these changes into people’s daily life styles; consequently, a person’s potential to embrace these challenges and revolutionize with them has become an important factor to analyze people’s way to prepare themselves for the future. According to Gilbert Valdez, educational technology, especially computers and computer-related peripherals, have grown tremendously and have permeated all areas of our lives. It is incomprehensible that anyone today would argue that banks, hospitals, or any industry should use less technology. Most young people cannot understand arguments that schools should limit technology use. For them, use of the Internet, for example, plays a major role in their relationships with their friends, their families, and their schools. Teens and their parents generally think that use of the Internet enhances the social life and academic work of teenagers. Nonetheless, not all people has the possibility of changing towards a technological society due to the lack of personal progress through technology, and the misunderstanding of this tool is leading future professionals to become technologically dependant; in other words to rely only on technology without considering the possible consequences that it might have on future professionals development and their educational background. The overuse of educational technology has been growing over the recent years due to the emergent technological developments around the world; however, it can be solved by searching for a new balance between the uses of technology within education.
Computer classrooms provide learning games for the students where their minds are being stimulated by simulations. This provides a visual and a fun way for students to learn and gain knowledge in a new context. Online learning can provide help with learning foreign languages in school. In the article “12 Good and Bad Parts of Online Education” by Mark Thoma which illustrates “International students often have trouble following lectures due to language problems. But with video lectures, they can watch the lectures repeatedly until they understand” (Thoma, paragraph 12). The students are able to listen and read from a technological device. Technology also enables students to access applications where they can learn a new culture and explore the background and history of the language. Google Cultural institute is a website that offers the collection and exhibit from museums and archives all around the world. This allows people to explore the cultures and languages to the dates that were first recorded. Students can stay informed on current events through the use of the internet. Social media for example Facebook and news websites allow for the users to stay informed of current events happening and how it is impacting the people. When students want to learn, they can research any information on the internet where new articles are constantly uploaded. Google Scholar is a website that allows people to access articles that are published by universities, academic sources, and preprint depositories. This ensures everyone is learning from multiple sources with the same evidence. Online education leads to higher student achievement because students are able to search for educational articles at any time of the
Technology has had a large impact on the field of education. The proliferation of multimedia resources and limitless amounts of information available through the Internet has fundamentally affected the learning process. Students no longer search through cards and stacks for magazine articles; almost everything is at the click of a finger. Multimedia resources are increasingly utilized in the classroom to help instruct students. Some professors are making conscious efforts to use new technology, so as to introduce and familiarize their students with it. The significance of technology in education is now being elevated to a new plateau. Education through the Internet, the great equalizer, may make it more widely distributed through the phenomenon of online courses. It is the thesis of this paper that online courses are not an effective means to educate traditional undergraduate college aged students (people from 18-22 years old).
Through the internet, the quality and ability of the students and teachers has become much greater. One example of the use of the internet in their school was on research on Ancient Egypt. The fifth grade class was to use the in...
Throughout history we have many advancements. Technology has been one of the biggest. The top five advancements that have changed the face of education are Social Media, Online Classrooms, Tablets, Smartphones, and Free Online Resources. We can almost guarantee that in the future another advancement will be released that can help further our education or our children's education. This paper is going to introduce and further explore how digital learning will change education in the future. Listed below will be a few key subjects that will be discussed and further researched in the paper.
As time goes by, advances in technology will provide more and more avenues for learning by way of the computer. The Internet has opened the doors of the world and unleashed limitless possibilities in research and education. It may be only a matter of time when the classroom is brought online to all children and attending a school classroom outside the home is a thing of the past. Looking back over the last 20 years, I never would have imagined that computers would come this far and impact our lives so much. Just imagine where they will be 20 years from now.
Students nowadays, are so focus on technology and how they can put their hands in technology. As a future teacher I believe that, the best way to capture my student’s attention is by providing them with tools that can motivate them to learn. With the use of technology, I may approach teaching differently by encouraging my students to use on-line resources. Using on-line resources, would be beneficial for the students, because they would be able to explore many on-line resources. The students would be encouraged to use the on-line materials, I as a teacher would encourage them to use. Such as Internet Workshops and WeQuests. As a future teacher I would want to use Internet workshops and WebQuests, because I would want to increase my student’s motivation to