Insurance Persuasive Speech

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In today's Society life teenage drivers get a lot of bad things put against them, like not being able to go into certain thing, not being able to have the normal insurance rate. Teens get the worst of everything, They may not be the best drivers but that doesn't mean you have to jack up their insurance rate. I believe that this being the way it is, is a little off the charts, we should have the rate lowered to what adults pay for because we don't do the following, Talk and Drive, drink and drive, etc. Boys and a brief amount of girls get piled up with high insurance policies which the insurance companies say that it's a great deal, but it's not. The Companies will lie and say "oh this is the best option to keep you safe on the road" …show more content…

When I was about 13 I was driving with my uncle and he was talking on the phone and not paying attention and he bumped the back of a teen drivers vehicle, but he didn't get in trouble the teen did for reckless driving. The insurance rate should be lowered for ages 18-21 because they are not as big of a risk because they want to look good. Many teens will agree with my statement that the rate of insurance should be lowered and have a fair for all of us. because we remember that we have the right to be equal and share everything. Today more teen drivers are becoming more aware of the fact that their insurance is being raised up because adults thinks that kids are not responsible enough. But teens are very reliable and will obey the rules that all teens will be more responsible because we want to prove to adults that we are responsible than anyone in the U.S. The average insurance rate for teens usually start at 500-700 dollas and it will be more expensive with a accident on your hands. the commercials you see are incorrect they won't cover everyone, teeneagers insurance only saves about 25% of your vehicle when you get into a car. so lowering the rate and letting teens have the same insurance as adults will cover more like 65%-75% of the

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