Black Holes Essay

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Mason Stone
Mr. Engstrom
15 May 2017
Black Holes

A black hole is a location in space where gravity pulls so much that light cannot get out. The gravity is so tough because the matter has been compressed into a miniature space, this happens when a star is dying. If no light is escapable than the black hole’s will be invisible to the human naked eye. Just because black holes have so much power does not mean that they are all huge. Actually, some black holes can be small scientist state, almost as small as a baby atom. Although these black holes are tiny they have the mass of a large building. The mass accumulates the matter in an object. If anyone believes the tiny black holes can do damage, some of the largest black holes are named …show more content…

The first regular stars were formed when the universe was about two hundred million years old, but the universe could have created black holes at 100 times the sun’s size. The survey would take too much time because the combining of stars impossible. Supermassive black holes have this thing called dark stars, which are stars that were born way before the universe was formed by scientists. These stars are much more bright than the sun, and are able to shine at a special temperature. To this day, no dark stars can form. Some think they have never even …show more content…

If there is a large area of concentrated in a tiny volume and the mass is dark, there may be a black hole. However, if the object’s mass is more than a certain amount accelerating the sun’s mass, it is a black hole. The mass of a black hole is so dense and the gravity of its singularity is so strong that in its theories it distorts space time around it and again, light cannot escape. The space beyond where light cannot escape the black holes gravity is well known as the event horizon, while its radius is named the Schwarzschild radius. The particles and light rays pass the event horizon their light tips over and is at the point of individuality, which means it now represents all future directed paths with no escape possible, like the light. The heavier the star the more chances it has to become a black

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