Informative Essay: The Consequences Of College Life

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College are the best years of life. These are the years when you have the best friends and you enjoy a lot. If you ask any college student, they are going to tell you some best incidents about college life. But they are also going to tell you about the regrets of college life. Most people do not take college life too seriously because they are unable to achieve what they actually think of. Following is the list of some most common regrets you can hear from college students (i.e Me!). 1. Wrong major The first and the most common regret is choosing the wrong major. The major reason people regret the decision they made years back is either because they do not get a suitable job in their required field or they have no more interest in their field. 2. Not making the most of what the campus has to offer Most of the students regret they did …show more content…

Not being single A lot of college students regret the relationships they had in college. A large amount of people who were in a serious relationship regret that it was too early to get into a relationship, while those who missed out because of studies regret that they were deprived of the charm of keeping a relationship in their college days. 4. Not having traveled more College students mostly travel with friends on semester breaks, so if you miss out on those trips you actually miss out on a lot. So those who have missed out on these trips have a lot of regret. 5. Not studying harder A large number of college students who haven’t scored too well in college regret their grades. They believe that if they would have studied harder they might have scored better. 6. Not making enough friends Some college students regret not socializing more and meeting new friends. Some tends to stick on their own cliques and are afraid or uncomfortable to meet new people. 7. Not Managing Student Loans Citizens Bank has found out that 77 percent of the students regret they haven’t managed their student loans well. 8. Not Asking for

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