Informative Essay On Car Insurance

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After spending many years in the insurance industry we have come up with a top 10 list of most misunderstood things about car insurance. These car insurance myths are some of the most common questions that most people have about direct car insurance either buying or reviewing their auto insurance coverage. Its better to find out now before you have a claim and it's too late.

I just got my 1st speeding ticket my insurance rates are going to go way up.

Reality: If this is your first ticket your rates probably won't even change. Most direct car insurance providers will give you a pass if you don't have any other tickets or claims in the past 3 to 5 years depending on the company.

That new Plasma TV I bought last year won't affect …show more content…

If you like red buy a red car, if you like black buy a black car. Don't ever let this silly nonsense stop you from buying a car.

I didn't have a car for the last 2 years, this won't affect my rates.

Reality: Not having continuous car insurance is frowned upon by most direct car insurance companies now a day's. Some companies won't penalize you for not having prior insurance. If you don't have prior insurance make sure you have a good excuse like you took the bus, or you were in the military, or some other legitimate reason. Oh and by the way I couldn't afford my insurance is not on that list

Telling a little white lie on my insurance application won't affect my coverage if I ever have a claim

Reality: This is one of the worst things a person can do. If you lie on your insurance application there is a good chance you won't have any coverage when you need it the most. You think they won't find out? Remember these 2 things when insurance company is on the hook for a ton of money. #1 They are going to start asking questions and the first thing they look at is your application. Wouldn't you if you were them? And reason #2, the insurance companies have more money than god and they have people working full time to find this stuff

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