An Insight into the World of Beagles

703 Words2 Pages

By Me, Aaron Knight
Beagles are one of the most beloved dogs in America; look at Snoopy, he's pretty popular. Even Queen Elizabeth had a beagle. If Queen Elizabeth liked her beagle, other people will probably love them too. As of 2014, beagles were the 5th most popular dog in America. And if you don't already know, a beagle is a dog breed. So let me tell you some facts about them.
There are two different sizes of beagles the smaller size is no taller than 13” in. tall, and anywhere from 22-30 lbs. While the larger type can weigh up to 35 lbs. and is taller than 13”, but not by much. The dog will only grow to 15” tall. As you can tell, these dogs are not great danes, but they do have a huge voice box. Beagles are very vocal and one of the loudest dogs out there. Beagle even means loud mouth in French, and they're not very good guard dogs because of this. Also if you thought that they bark you are wrong; they howl. Ask me, I listen to mine every night chasing coyotes and rabbits across the front yard.
Pack/Hunter …show more content…

These beagles are also willing to share affection with their pack, even the hunting pack shares affection. When this pack of beagles gets on a scent, they don't come off (ever). One of a beagle’s great hunting traits is its nose, beagles have 225 million scent receptors while we humans have only 5 million. As we know beagles are a small breed of dog, so one thing hunters would do is have the bigger dogs chase the game and then the beagles finish the chase through the underbrush. While these little dogs were flying through the underbrush, the hunters would use their white tipped tail to follow

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