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Benefits of napping
Benefits of taking naps essay
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Recommended: Benefits of napping
This essay will be written on ‘’Are naps good for people?’’, Most people say naps are good because they give you more energy and after you take a nap you can think better. There really isn't a bad reason for naps, most people enjoy them. Naps help with a lot, like concentrating better at work or school, or being more nice and not grumpy. They also make you more active with school or work.
First, if you get enough sleep every night then you wouldn't need a nap. Most people need somewhere between 10-12 hours of sleep to get a good night's rest. If you don't get enough sleep naps can help, if you don't get enough sleep at night it ‘’leads to a foggy brain, worsened vision, impaired driving, and trouble remembering’’ says psychiatrist William C. Demet in source 1 paragraph 3. So getting naps in are good for people, so nothing bad happens. Naps aren't just for kids, they're for grown ups to. There has been many famous figures that have been nappers. Examples are: John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton, as it says in source 1 titled ‘’Famous nappers’’. Napoleon, a French emperor, Often gave rousing speeches, because he frequently took naps and that helped him get energized and helped him think. So naps help
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Our bodies work according to an internal clock. Some jobs have different shifts like astronauts, they have have two hours to sleep or less usually, So they become grumpy. Nasa studied whether astronauts should take naps, they found that naps improve memory, but not alertness, cause of that people's sleep schedule gets messed up. When that does, naps may help that. Also kids get tired after school when they have extracurricular activities, so a teacher made a napping club where kids can nap before they go to their extracurricular activity, then they will be energized when they go to it. Kids said that it helped them with their activity and gave them time to do homework without being
Second, “A tired child is almost not a child but a monster waiting to spoil your plans,” says Lori Bulloch of North Salt Lake, Utah, mother of a four year old, two year old, and a four month old. “It’s worth it for me to arrange my schedule around nap times. a rested child is simply a different child.” Bulloch adds. Children who get a satisfying nap sometime throughout the day will be happier than a child who doesn’t take or receive one.
Famous and successful people like Albert Einstein and Da Vinci took naps regularly! Without his naps, Da Vinci might have never had enough energy to paint the Mona Lisa, or Albert Einstein might have never become one of the smartest people in the world. After reading what you just read above, you might feel like you should start taking naps too. However, why should someone take naps? Here is a situation: did your doctor ever recommend you to get some more rest during the night? No doubt, you obviously thought about it for a while. Regrettably, here is the problem: can you fit some more time in your schedule so that you could sleep more or do you seek an alternate way? Unfortunately, many people don’t sleep enough during the night, because of
...any disorders related to sleep. Three types of sleep related disorders are Insomnia, Narcolepsy, and sleep-walking. All three can be dangerous, depending on the severity. All three are related to the amount of sleep an individual receives and what happens while they are asleep.
Would you think naps are good during the day? Yes or no?? Well according to the article In source #2 it states “ The researchers found that napping improves memory, but not alertness”. However, i think that napping is not good and because if it only improved memory and not alertness that's NOT good at all!
“When the going gets tough, the tough take a nap.” This statement by Tom Hodgkinson perfectly describes the solution to the life of the average American high schooler, who wakes up early, rushes to school, and undergoes several grueling classes, only to later participate in extracurricular activities and return home to complete homework. Due to all these activities, only a vast minority of teenagers obtain the amount of sleep they need in a night; Tom Hodgkinson’s quote proposes a solution to this problem. By instituting naptime in high schools, students could simply nap to refresh themselves when the going gets tough, whether that be an excessive amount of homework, an extremely demanding test, or a sports practice that lasts long into the
(Man/Woman): Hey everyone, I’m going to talk about something that most American colleges have: “Fraternities and Sororities”. “Fraternities and Sororities” are groups of students that usually live together in a house. Members are usually called “brothers” or “sisters”. These social groups often throw parties. They also host events where they raise money to help people. “Fraternities and Sororities” are a huge part of American college culture. (65 words)
Milner, C. E., Cote, K. A. (2008). Benefits of napping in healthy adults: Impact of nap length, time of day, age, and experience with napping. Journal of Sleep Research, 18(2), 272-281
In conclusion, the moderately enhanced results leads to think that the naps did have positive effects on all three test results, but not to the extend that was hypothesized. Perhaps a more ordered and organized napping and sleep schedule would allow for greater and more significant improvements. A further analysis in the domain of effects of napping on performance, either cognitive or physical, should strive to measure the impact of tightly arranged schedule to allow for naps to occur at relatively the same time everyday, as well as having a similar length, paired with comparable amount of sleep the night prior to engaging in napping. This would allow assessing the true effects of naps on an individual much more effectively.
Have you ever stayed up too late? At one time or another most people have probably experienced that feeling where their eyes start to droop and blur. It’s their body telling them they need to sleep… But do they? Many people might think losing a night’s sleep or not sleeping enough is not a big deal, but in fact, continuously lacking sleep does affect people in a bad way. People should know the healthy amount of sleep they need and some solutions to sleeping problems. Sleep deprivation causes physical and mental effects on the human body and can be directly responsible for many fatal accidents.
The four stages of sleep are REM (rapid eye movement sleep), NREM1 (non-rem), NREM2, and NREM3. During the REM stage “your heart rate rises, your breathing becomes rapid and irregular, and every half-minute or so your eyes dart around in momentary burst of activity behind closed lids” (Myers, 2014, p. 96).
Getting enough sleep can increase our chances of being more mentally/physically healthy and our safety throughout the day. How we feel throughout the day is depending on our sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to impaired judgment and actions, which can be a safety hazard towards yourself and your surroundings. When we sleep, our bodies are working to revitalize the brain to form new pathways to help with memory functions and our physical health such as healing repair heart and blood vessels and hormone balance. It is very important for everyone to maintain a good night’s rest to maintain daytime performance and lower stress. Sleep will reduce the levels of stress, help others gain control on their actions and avoid depression. Contributing to these sleep benefits will change your body and mind
Central idea : Sleep is vital to our health and well-being throughout our life, therefore, in order to protect our mental and physical health, quality of life, and safety, we must get an enough quality sleep at the right times.
The Reasons Why People Sleep and How Much Sleep We Need in A 24-hour Period INTRODUCTION Stedman’s Medical Dictionary defines sleep as “a natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli.” Sleeping makes people feel better and more energetic. We are able to function optimally throughout the day. If we don’t get enough sleep that we need, we tend to be weak and worse which generally explain why sleep is very important. However, why do we really sleep?
Maynard, W., & Brogmus, G. (2006). Safer shift work through more effective scheduling. Occupational health and safety, 16.
There is a lot of benefits of sleep. Sleep is a time to heal your body and clear your mind for the day. The purpose of sleep is that it makes you be able to think better and make your whole body feel better. “It improves your muscle tone and skin appearance”(“Why Do We Need So Much Sleep?”). This can make you look better and feel better, you can really tell if someone doesn’t have much sleep. Their