Informative Essay: Are Naps Good For People

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This essay will be written on ‘’Are naps good for people?’’, Most people say naps are good because they give you more energy and after you take a nap you can think better. There really isn't a bad reason for naps, most people enjoy them. Naps help with a lot, like concentrating better at work or school, or being more nice and not grumpy. They also make you more active with school or work.

First, if you get enough sleep every night then you wouldn't need a nap. Most people need somewhere between 10-12 hours of sleep to get a good night's rest. If you don't get enough sleep naps can help, if you don't get enough sleep at night it ‘’leads to a foggy brain, worsened vision, impaired driving, and trouble remembering’’ says psychiatrist William C. Demet in source 1 paragraph 3. So getting naps in are good for people, so nothing bad happens. Naps aren't just for kids, they're for grown ups to. There has been many famous figures that have been nappers. Examples are: John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton, as it says in source 1 titled ‘’Famous nappers’’. Napoleon, a French emperor, Often gave rousing speeches, because he frequently took naps and that helped him get energized and helped him think. So naps help …show more content…

Our bodies work according to an internal clock. Some jobs have different shifts like astronauts, they have have two hours to sleep or less usually, So they become grumpy. Nasa studied whether astronauts should take naps, they found that naps improve memory, but not alertness, cause of that people's sleep schedule gets messed up. When that does, naps may help that. Also kids get tired after school when they have extracurricular activities, so a teacher made a napping club where kids can nap before they go to their extracurricular activity, then they will be energized when they go to it. Kids said that it helped them with their activity and gave them time to do homework without being

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