Informative Briefing Assignment

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For my informative briefing assignment, I would like to present to my classmates about protein, which is an essential part of our dietary requirements. When we read about scientific or medical news, we always come across to learn that heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, an average American is typically consuming twice as much as the recommended daily allowance of protein. Many might know that overconsumption of protein in our daily diet will lead to high blood cholesterol, which will eventually cause heart disease. I believe that some people do not know how to modify or control their diet to lower the risk of having chronic disease. Therefore, I will inform my audience about protein in vegetables. Central Idea Statement: I will inform my audience about plant proteins by describing the scientific background of protein, revealing the effects of having high or low protein intake, explaining the benefits and disadvantages of using vegetables as a protein source, and showing the protein composition of certain vegetables statistically. …show more content…

I chose to speak about the protein content in vegetables because at least 70% of my family’s diet is based on vegetables. Also, as a biochemistry major, I studied the important function and role of amino acids and proteins play in our body. Additionally, I spent a summer working in a Food Safety and Quality lab, where I performed experiment and analyzed the nutritional value of certain fresh produces. After this particular research experience, I am more aware of the nutritional content of the food products that we buy. I feel that the public, including myself, usually does not know about the nutritional content of the food that we

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