Understanding Myself: An INFJ Personality Analysis

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After taking the Myers Briggs test I received the type of INFJ; meaning introverted, intuition feeling and perceiving. After looking my results up on 16personalities website I could look further into my personality. We are referred to as the “Advocate” and have an “inborn sense of idealism and morality” we also are not just dreamers we make concrete steps toward what we want and how to make things better. We have very strong opinions and will fight to make sure that they are heard, we also have a way of making connections with people much easier than others. We speak with a sense of belief and when we talk about things that matter to people like me it isn’t meant for personal advancement in meant for world advancement. I agree with this type because it stated that others might find that we are a quiet version of extraverted but in reality we are introverted because we need time to ourselves to face the day. I find that after a long day of school or work that I would rather go home and go to sleep rather than go out with friends. I can be sociable in my everyday life but after each day I still go home to decompress not because I don’t like people but because I need to so that I can deal with life. They also state that it is very hard for INFJs to take care …show more content…

What I found that was interesting is that INFJs make up for only one percent of the population making us very rare. People like me are Jon Snow, Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa. It appears I have big shoes and big ideas to follow in. it is still comforting even though I have a lot of hard work to put in, that I follow in the same footsteps such as people like nelson mandala people who changed the world. I am the advocate the person that makes change happen in the world for the good of the

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