Indoor Patient Communication Analysis

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This scenario usually comes when a doctor is treating an indoor patient. This is very important in cases when patient is critically ill or admitted in I.C.U. .
Here are certain tips that will definitely improve one’s ability to communicate:-
1. Never be informal with them. Conduct daily conferences and if possible twice daily.
2. Talk about and appreciate the efforts made by them.
3. Most of the attendants surfs internet and gather lots of information. Try to satisfy their quarries by giving better references.
4. Always explain the dynamic nature of disease. This is especially important in I.C.U. patients.
5. Second opinion should be sought proactively. This is important not only in patient management when one is in doubt but also helpful …show more content…

Breaking bad news. A Guide for Health Care professionals. Baltimore. John Hopkins University Press].Disclosing bad news is a complex communication art that not only involves verbal component but also includes responding to the patient’s emotional reactions and involving the patient in decision making for future management plans. Poor communication skill of an inexperienced clinician can thwart the goal of providing support to the patient and eliciting patient’s collaboration for future treatment.

While breaking bad news the physician should keep in mind four essential goals
1. Gathering information from the patient –This helps the doctor to elicit patient’s knowledge and expectations and their readiness to hear the bad news.
2. To provide medical information in accordance with patient’s needs and desires.
3. To provide support to patient in order to reduce emotional impact.
4. To develop a strategy for future management in collaboration with the patient.
Several papers have been written in the recent past regarding the way of disclosing bad news to the

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